The Third One

I need to calm down, I actually hate the summer holidays because it's so longggg and nothing EVER happens, ever.

Right now, I'm definitely overreacting, because I'm only two days in. So here's something to distract me: Which is faster, a milk truck or a golf cart? I've also decided how to find out.

We fill the milk truck and set it off first, then set two or three golf carts after it with passengers weilding golf clubs, there are points for every bottle of milk smashed and the golf carts instantly win if they go full pirate and take the milk truck. I love it.


Anonymous said...

Who would seriously let you take control of a milk truck/golf carts???

Unknown said...

That sounds fucking awesome!
Can i drive one of the golf carts? :P

Adam said...

Hell yes you can :p I'll take one of the other ones, first one to take the truck wins (a golf club duel on the back would be AMAZING!!!) We need to hire someone to film it for sure.

Unknown said...

Lol sweet :D
Erm, just find someone random with a video camera and give them some money :P Or milk xD

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