A Formal Request

I'm officially issuing a contract on Connor Lee, some prick who thinks he's better than me for no reason (and stinks). I've had it with year 10 as it is and he's just too far, I'll pay everything I have (at least £7 in coppers).

In other news, I'm on week three of exams and I'm more than halfway through now (only science and RE left after tomorrow). I've finished two sets of lyrics that have been staring me in the face lately, meaning I only have one set of unfinished lyrics now!!!

Study Leave starts on Friday!!! I'm not sure what to do though because everyone will be "revising" and won't wanna go out and stuff. Sucks.

I hate the sun!!! In winter I can cope because i'm a fairly warm person, but now I'm overheating a lot and it's gay.

I've learnt that I can shout out "game of blackjack?" in any room and get myself a game, I've also been trying to build a house of cards lately (4 storeys high) and the best I've got so far is three completed storeys!

And finally, I've been wanting to write lately. I've got three options: carry on the adventures of Robert and Jennifer (and maybe develop their budding relationship? Oh come on, it's obvious!), write about the devil trying to become good and living human (there's this rule that he can't turn sixteen unless he becomes good), or the story of the randomentalist, set in the future, he's leader of the underworld fighting a corrupt government (i've set it in the future because it means I have freedom to create). this last one's more complex because it's told through a few different view points. So, what is it people? Comment with your opinion!!!


eleanor1812 said...

definately comtinue with robert and jennifer, and also the randomentalist. he always sounded so cool!

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