The Ultimate Teen Fairy Tale

I feel like I should write something to go up on here, as well as Rob and Jen. So here we go, a story written specifically for my blog!

The Lost Boy and The Extended Metaphor - Part 1

Once upon a time, there was a boy who was lost. He was lost because he didn't really know where he was going, all he wanted was to know the true identity of the mysterious figure known only as "the one".

In a previous adventure our hero (if you can stretch to call him that) settled down with Beauty. However, over time it became apparent that Beauty was in fact the Beast, and she cast him into a deep, dark pit she liked to call despair. Luckily for us, our hero was stronger than even he expected, bent and broken as he was, he did not want to join the bodies of those lost there before him and climbed out. This was a long and strenuous task that lasted many months, at various points we did not expect our hero to make it. Alas, he finally overcame the tantalising encounters with Beauty and the brutal attacks from the Beast, and was able to stand on his own two feet once again. Unfortunately, this did not change the fact that he was lost.

To be continued...


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