100th Post!

Hell to the yes!

I'm so proud right now, you actually have no idea. All my life I've had issues with dedication, and all I wanted to do was keep something running. This is that thing. The thing is, this blog means a lot to me; It's almost a form of escapism to me, and I like comunicating to the world. More importantly, I just wanted to have something out there.

I've been taking a look at all the other blogs around lately. It was slightly worrying to find that most of them haven't been posted on in months and hadn't been running for very long at all. I always thought that there were more blogs out there that were still ongoing, like a regular thing. However, I guess that makes my blog even more of an achievement.

In celebration of this grand occasion, I've completely changed the design of the blog. I really thought it deserved more than a basic template from blogger, so I found a template site and found a really cool style. Then I went into the html and edited out all of the flaws (putting my geek skills to the test). and now it's perfect (:

It wouldn't be fair if I didn't mention the most important part of this blog: the people who read it. It goes without saying that without them, this blog wouldn't still be here. Yes, I'm gonna name people :p James, Karolina, Emma, Antony, Eleanor, Jazmine and all the others, the fact that you all read this makes me really happy and in return, I'll continue to make you all really happy with this wonderful blog,

Thank you.


eleanor1812 said...

aww, thanks! will keep reading for as long as it's going!

Unknown said...

Youre welcome (: Welll your blog is good stuff (Y) keep it going dude :D

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