Spider season

It's strange, I think there's now a spider in every corner of my bathroom and I still haven't touched the fly swat. The summer's still attempting to fight off the winter here, it started raining really heavily the day after my birthday and the only sign of autumn you'll find is the smell of damp leaves. I missed that. I have a feeling that there wont be much autumn this year. I mean that in the sense that a warm end of september changed instantly to a cold, wet start of october. Maybe that's all autumn ever is, the fight between winter and summer, and the leaves just can't take it. Excuse me for being poetic.

I like October, not for what happens during it, just for the general mood. Unfortunately, October is the month where I generally realise that things are going to pot for me, and let's be honest, they are.


Nickkazama01 said...

Just think of me, I'm sitting on my toes waiting for an operation.

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