Blog blog blog

I've not been blogging much lately, simply because I don't think you want to know about my coursework deadlines. However, if you REALLY want to know about the area of the curve representing the cube root of Cosine X, feel free to ask.

Yesterday was a cool day. I went to Aarons with a handful of others and we watched DVDs and ate pizza. That's all I want from life really, simple things. I have a BBQ to attend on Saturday and then I'm hosting my yearly Mayday picnic on Mayday (I know, you would never have guessed). And then that'll probably be the last time I go out until after my exams...

There are plenty of things I wanted to show you but haven't been able to from lack of pictures/inspiration to write; the new year fireworks, Oxford, the first wedding I've ever attended. But I haven't.

I guess I'm bad like that.


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