If you logged on today looking for a content, uplifting post, you're out of luck. Try my top 100 music videos or something. Today I'm going to talk about the past. In fact, I'm going to focus on one date, October 2nd.
I'll start as far back as I remember, year three. Let's see, it was 9 years ago, I'd moved to Abbots Langley from South Oxhey in April, finished year 2 at Oxhey Wood primary school and started year 3 at Leavesden Green. The kids in my class had been together since year 1, they were close. I wasn't made to feel very welcome by them at all, although my teacher did try. Throughout the year, I only made two major friends, one of which left in year 5, only to return in year 9 as a total prick. The other friend was the first friend I made at the school. As for the girls, they took pleasure in tormenting me for the entire year, so yes, I was bullied. Anyway, returning to our magic date: I only had one friend and as a child, I was extremely excited that my birthday was fast approaching. The day came, and my friend didn't, he was ill. I spent the entire day either alone or being tormented by my bullies. I can't remember which, but at eight years old, I'm not sure which is worse.
In year 5, I just wanted to invite the "cool kids", so they could use me for a good day out. In year seven, I only really had two friends, I can't even remember what happened.
Skipping to the end (or close to it anyway): Year 10, I had my first "real" girlfriend (meaning local and lasting more than a week), had my mates round for the day, and to be honest, we just played games and I got touched by some slut, not realising how I looked to my friends at all. Year 11: The girl that I was so tragically in love with decided to totally ignore the fact that I existed for the day, just to prove some twisted point. The following day, we all went bowling, but everything was falling apart: my girlfriend and two of my friends split from the main group and that was that, depression.
So, "how does this story end?" I hear you screaming, begging for a lovely ending. Although, I think you all know I've already set the tone for a tragedy. September 2009: Things couldn't be better. I had my best friends, all five of them. Nothing was wrong at all. Emma had her birthday on the 14th, leaving me to step up next. Everybody kept telling me "You HAVE to do something on your birthday!" and I believed them.
I started arranging, I'd been arranging everything else all year but it was decided that I'd have to arrange my birthday too. So I started. I decided what to do (a meal). I started looking at the places, they were either too expensive, not to everyone's likes, not vegetarian etc. Eventually we half decided on one, this was about two days ago. It had been hell, I was at the end of my tether and quite happy that we were sorted. Then I found out that everyone couldn't do Friday (October 2nd), some people still wanted Friday, others wanted Thursday. Today, on September 26th (which is a date I don't really like anyway), I cancelled my birthday plans.
Let's face it, half of my friends didn't even know what date my birthday was anyway, and I regret telling them. I didn't really want to celebrate it either, due to reasons revealed here, in this post. I'm sorry if you don't like it, I'm sorry if I'm being a selfish twat, but I thought my birthday was the one day of the year where it was about me, not about me going through hell arranging something for everyone else. I just want a break, and it doesn't feel right to have to arrange that break myself. If anything, I wanted a break from arranging plans. Sorry people, it's off, I don't want to hear anymore about it and I don't want anything from you. I don't even want to hear a "happy birthday" on the day, that's what will make my birthday a happy one. Thanks for listening, I hope you understand now.
7 Days and Counting (Rage)
Things have settled this week, and it has been unbelievably boring.
I tried to drop English, the people up top told me to stick with it and if I get an E, that's still 20 UCAS points, ok then...I hope the teachers see it that way.
Ummm, I think I should probably talk about films a bit more on here, seeing as they're a big percentage of what I think about. I was looking at a film called "rage" today, it looks quite interesting. Basically, the entire film is a series of one on one interviews set behind the scenes of a fashion week in New York (even though the majority of the cast is British), filmed as if being recorded through a mobile phone. The premiere was yesterday and the film's released on monday. The most interesting thing was that it was supposedly the first "interactive" film, because afterwards, a live broadcast was shown were viewers text/emailed/called in from the cinema to ask the cast and director questions. Check out the trailer:
Anyway, on to my main point. Anyone who knows me well enough will also know that my birthday is in seven days, and arranging a celebration is proving to be harder than expected. Truth be told, I wasn't really looking to celebrate in the first place, but everyone else wanted to, and who am I to deny them of that? As long as I actually get to relax, I really don't mind what happens...
I tried to drop English, the people up top told me to stick with it and if I get an E, that's still 20 UCAS points, ok then...I hope the teachers see it that way.
Ummm, I think I should probably talk about films a bit more on here, seeing as they're a big percentage of what I think about. I was looking at a film called "rage" today, it looks quite interesting. Basically, the entire film is a series of one on one interviews set behind the scenes of a fashion week in New York (even though the majority of the cast is British), filmed as if being recorded through a mobile phone. The premiere was yesterday and the film's released on monday. The most interesting thing was that it was supposedly the first "interactive" film, because afterwards, a live broadcast was shown were viewers text/emailed/called in from the cinema to ask the cast and director questions. Check out the trailer:
Anyway, on to my main point. Anyone who knows me well enough will also know that my birthday is in seven days, and arranging a celebration is proving to be harder than expected. Truth be told, I wasn't really looking to celebrate in the first place, but everyone else wanted to, and who am I to deny them of that? As long as I actually get to relax, I really don't mind what happens...
Friday, 25 September 2009

Today, I failed an assignment for the first time this year. My teacher was very reasonable about the entire thing and gave me an extra day to do it. I hear that if you fail an assignment in college, you're thrown off of the course. I'm beginning to feel like I've made the wrong decision.
Little under ten minutes ago, I realised that maybe A-level English wasn't a good idea. Even though I got an A for my coursework, I only got a C overall. Surely that means I got something like a D in the exam?
The truth is, it's just a basic research assignment, and I'm really struggling. It's just wasting time, now I'm behind on my maths because of it. Everyone around me has a plan of what they want to do in life, some kind of basic outline and what courses they're going to need...everyone except me. So I thought "Maths and English are the two main subjects, they'll look good on my results."
Maths isn't a problem for me, never has been, never will be, but English has always been "rocky" for me, to say the least. I can produce amazing things when given the time, and I have no problem with structuring my writing (otherwise this blog would be non-existant) but I just can't keep up. I mean i'm struggling with basic, basic research assignments, what the hell?
I don't like giving up, at all. Especially when there are people I know who give up straight away and waste their talent. I'm thinking along the lines of "know your limits", I don't want to push myself and get an average C in everything when I can drop a subject and get something like two As and a B. It seems like people are dropping subjects left, right and centre for really petty reasons, such as they "just don't like it". I like to think of myself as an intelligent person, but from here it looks like I've not made the clever decision. I want to go for deputy head boy, how can I do that if I'm going to drop a subject? I just don't know anymore
Obviously this failed assignment's going to set off alarm bells up at the top and my place on the course will be reviewed...I think I know what I want to do.
Little under ten minutes ago, I realised that maybe A-level English wasn't a good idea. Even though I got an A for my coursework, I only got a C overall. Surely that means I got something like a D in the exam?
The truth is, it's just a basic research assignment, and I'm really struggling. It's just wasting time, now I'm behind on my maths because of it. Everyone around me has a plan of what they want to do in life, some kind of basic outline and what courses they're going to need...everyone except me. So I thought "Maths and English are the two main subjects, they'll look good on my results."
Maths isn't a problem for me, never has been, never will be, but English has always been "rocky" for me, to say the least. I can produce amazing things when given the time, and I have no problem with structuring my writing (otherwise this blog would be non-existant) but I just can't keep up. I mean i'm struggling with basic, basic research assignments, what the hell?
I don't like giving up, at all. Especially when there are people I know who give up straight away and waste their talent. I'm thinking along the lines of "know your limits", I don't want to push myself and get an average C in everything when I can drop a subject and get something like two As and a B. It seems like people are dropping subjects left, right and centre for really petty reasons, such as they "just don't like it". I like to think of myself as an intelligent person, but from here it looks like I've not made the clever decision. I want to go for deputy head boy, how can I do that if I'm going to drop a subject? I just don't know anymore
Obviously this failed assignment's going to set off alarm bells up at the top and my place on the course will be reviewed...I think I know what I want to do.
Monday, 21 September 2009

I get people all the time who complain about their siblings, about their hyperactive sister or bastard older brother. For the record, my youngest brother has ADHD and is so, so annoying. But I deal with it, because it's not something he can control. However, my dad is a different story.
I know already that my mum will tell me "His dad wasn't very nice to him", so that instantly justifies the fact that he can take it out on me. I, like many other kids, expected some happy little father-son moments, what I've recieved is nothing. I just want to learn some simple things, I have to learn because if I ask I get "it's about time you fucking learned to do it yourself." Obviously I have to teach myself.
It's all very well and good, but I'm afraid that I'll turn out like that...
I know already that my mum will tell me "His dad wasn't very nice to him", so that instantly justifies the fact that he can take it out on me. I, like many other kids, expected some happy little father-son moments, what I've recieved is nothing. I just want to learn some simple things, I have to learn because if I ask I get "it's about time you fucking learned to do it yourself." Obviously I have to teach myself.
It's all very well and good, but I'm afraid that I'll turn out like that...
Early Morning Ramblings of a Late Night Guy
Just finished installing the essential essentials back onto my computer. You see, I wanted it to turn on way back on Friday, the computer disagreed. So today has been all about reinstalling things and playing Batman, which I completed about an hour ago ^.^
Also, my rabbit growled at me the other day, I was quite happy because it's the first noise I've ever heard her make, but then again I wasn't happy because she was being a stubborn cow. She's lovely though.
Things are still running on "mental" at the moment, sixth form is heavy stuff and I've not gone out since...monday, nevermind that bit. Oh yeah, on a less rambly and more important note, it's...12 days until my birthday and I STILL have no idea what to do. Obviously I want to see people, but it's hard to convince people to see you when you have no idea what to do...
Also, my rabbit growled at me the other day, I was quite happy because it's the first noise I've ever heard her make, but then again I wasn't happy because she was being a stubborn cow. She's lovely though.
Things are still running on "mental" at the moment, sixth form is heavy stuff and I've not gone out since...monday, nevermind that bit. Oh yeah, on a less rambly and more important note, it's...12 days until my birthday and I STILL have no idea what to do. Obviously I want to see people, but it's hard to convince people to see you when you have no idea what to do...
Sunday, 20 September 2009

100th Post!
Hell to the yes!
I'm so proud right now, you actually have no idea. All my life I've had issues with dedication, and all I wanted to do was keep something running. This is that thing. The thing is, this blog means a lot to me; It's almost a form of escapism to me, and I like comunicating to the world. More importantly, I just wanted to have something out there.
I've been taking a look at all the other blogs around lately. It was slightly worrying to find that most of them haven't been posted on in months and hadn't been running for very long at all. I always thought that there were more blogs out there that were still ongoing, like a regular thing. However, I guess that makes my blog even more of an achievement.
In celebration of this grand occasion, I've completely changed the design of the blog. I really thought it deserved more than a basic template from blogger, so I found a template site and found a really cool style. Then I went into the html and edited out all of the flaws (putting my geek skills to the test). and now it's perfect (:
It wouldn't be fair if I didn't mention the most important part of this blog: the people who read it. It goes without saying that without them, this blog wouldn't still be here. Yes, I'm gonna name people :p James, Karolina, Emma, Antony, Eleanor, Jazmine and all the others, the fact that you all read this makes me really happy and in return, I'll continue to make you all really happy with this wonderful blog,
Thank you.
I'm so proud right now, you actually have no idea. All my life I've had issues with dedication, and all I wanted to do was keep something running. This is that thing. The thing is, this blog means a lot to me; It's almost a form of escapism to me, and I like comunicating to the world. More importantly, I just wanted to have something out there.
I've been taking a look at all the other blogs around lately. It was slightly worrying to find that most of them haven't been posted on in months and hadn't been running for very long at all. I always thought that there were more blogs out there that were still ongoing, like a regular thing. However, I guess that makes my blog even more of an achievement.
In celebration of this grand occasion, I've completely changed the design of the blog. I really thought it deserved more than a basic template from blogger, so I found a template site and found a really cool style. Then I went into the html and edited out all of the flaws (putting my geek skills to the test). and now it's perfect (:
It wouldn't be fair if I didn't mention the most important part of this blog: the people who read it. It goes without saying that without them, this blog wouldn't still be here. Yes, I'm gonna name people :p James, Karolina, Emma, Antony, Eleanor, Jazmine and all the others, the fact that you all read this makes me really happy and in return, I'll continue to make you all really happy with this wonderful blog,
Thank you.
Thursday, 17 September 2009

Third post of the day (it doesn't happen often so enjoy it :p). Today I'm here to talk to you about the artists of one of my favourite songs: Tat.
As any of my following veterans know, Tat have been top of one of my missing lists and second in one of the not so missing lists, with their song, Pessimist. I got into researching them today after a spell of pessimism and Emily's marvellous quoting and perfect timing. The quote looks a little like this:
I learned a few things from my little adventure through the internet:
1) Tat are English (Very important)
2) They're very down to Earth in person (Very cool)
3) Tatiana is very attractive :p
4) They may top my top 5 this week with a different song
5) This different song has a video, and it looks like this (and it would have been in my top 100):
I also found two interviews with them, one in video form, the other written, I'll show you the written one another time, but I'm going to leave you with the video inter'. Ladies and gentlemen, I present Tat!
As any of my following veterans know, Tat have been top of one of my missing lists and second in one of the not so missing lists, with their song, Pessimist. I got into researching them today after a spell of pessimism and Emily's marvellous quoting and perfect timing. The quote looks a little like this:
"Every silver lining has it's cloud, can I be yours?"
I learned a few things from my little adventure through the internet:
1) Tat are English (Very important)
2) They're very down to Earth in person (Very cool)
3) Tatiana is very attractive :p
4) They may top my top 5 this week with a different song
5) This different song has a video, and it looks like this (and it would have been in my top 100):
I also found two interviews with them, one in video form, the other written, I'll show you the written one another time, but I'm going to leave you with the video inter'. Ladies and gentlemen, I present Tat!
Sunday, 13 September 2009

Scarred is a program on MTV that shows horrific injuries acquired by skaters/BMX people/anyone who does stunts. I came across it while my father was channel hopping and stopped on scarred, and we all huddled around the television and watched some great family TV, all four of us (obviously not including my youngest brother).
A few weeks later, while only me and my younger (not youngest) brother were up, he found it and put it on. It was the "worst of the worst" program, his reactions were absolutely hilarious. Anyway, here's the number one, the "worst of the worst", I showed it to Tom and Eleanor the other day ^.^ great reactions. I know it's just a recording of it on TV but hey, MTV probably are pretty heavy on copyright.
WARNING: not for the squeemish (although I recommend you watch it anyway :p).
By the way: Yes, that is the guy from Papa Roach.
A few weeks later, while only me and my younger (not youngest) brother were up, he found it and put it on. It was the "worst of the worst" program, his reactions were absolutely hilarious. Anyway, here's the number one, the "worst of the worst", I showed it to Tom and Eleanor the other day ^.^ great reactions. I know it's just a recording of it on TV but hey, MTV probably are pretty heavy on copyright.
WARNING: not for the squeemish (although I recommend you watch it anyway :p).
By the way: Yes, that is the guy from Papa Roach.
Life and Times
Posted by
Sixth form,
Top 5
Well, it's the name of the blog...and I've not really been focusing on my life lately. Time to bring you up to date.
First weeks of school are always really hectic, I didn't expect some kind of exception for sixth form. But there aren't normally as many pros, maybe it's because I have some kind of new positive mentality or something. Anyway, I've been hanging around new people, and it's been fun, I've not been bastardly antisocial about it. Although i've not enjoyed being taught by a few of my teachers in the past, I believe that I have a good variety of teachers so I can work to the best of my ability for all of them.
There hasn't been a top 5 songs this week, simply because I've not had time to listen to music ): But the good side of finishing my top 100 music videos is that I can post random videos whenever I please now (:
Also, I've started labelling my blog lately, I thought it was something that needed to be done. I'm also going to give it a makeover sometime after my 100th post (only three posts to go now!). Speaking of my 100th post, I've finally figured out how to celebrate it, more about that in the future (three posts from now to be exact :p).
I should be going out tomorrow (thank god) to see Emma. It is her birthday after all. It should be good.
So yeah, there you go, you're back up to date on the life of times of Adam.
First weeks of school are always really hectic, I didn't expect some kind of exception for sixth form. But there aren't normally as many pros, maybe it's because I have some kind of new positive mentality or something. Anyway, I've been hanging around new people, and it's been fun, I've not been bastardly antisocial about it. Although i've not enjoyed being taught by a few of my teachers in the past, I believe that I have a good variety of teachers so I can work to the best of my ability for all of them.
There hasn't been a top 5 songs this week, simply because I've not had time to listen to music ): But the good side of finishing my top 100 music videos is that I can post random videos whenever I please now (:
Also, I've started labelling my blog lately, I thought it was something that needed to be done. I'm also going to give it a makeover sometime after my 100th post (only three posts to go now!). Speaking of my 100th post, I've finally figured out how to celebrate it, more about that in the future (three posts from now to be exact :p).
I should be going out tomorrow (thank god) to see Emma. It is her birthday after all. It should be good.
So yeah, there you go, you're back up to date on the life of times of Adam.
Top 100 Music Videos! (5-1!!!)
Posted by
every time i die,
foo fighters,
katy perry,
music videos,
the raconteurs,
top 100,
Well, I've kept you waiting long enough, so I'll only leave one more thing between you and my top five:
Special Mention: Every Time I Die - The New Black
Right, I found this video after I started my top 100, so I wasn't able to edit it in. I posted it before on my top 5 songs, but who reads that? Apart from you...JAMES! :p So...yeah, I'm putting this here because if I had found it earlier, it would've been in this top 5.
I like it because the guy reminds me of me: tries to be cool at parties, is seriously freaked by strange people and makes terrible first impressions ^.^ Oh and the ending is greattt!
5. Pendulum - Voodoo People
If anyone REALLY knows this song, they'd know that it was originally done by the prodigy, but then Pendulum remixed it (I'm kinda split between the both of them). I just sort of found this video while mindlessly wandering (virtually) through a music video database online, and it was awesome!
4. Weezer - Pork and Beans
I've not ever really been into this song. But the video had me right from the start. Basically, it parodies all of the Youtube Legends, from dance videos to some gay guy crying about Britney (whatever the fuck that was...). I'm lying, I've seen 90% of the videos that make up the music video: I've only not seen two.
3. The Raconteurs - Steady as she Goes
Any fan of this song may have put the video on down at hollywood bowl and seen some derranged video at a barn or something with some cows (animals, not women), this is NOT that video. This is the second version, involving an amazing soap box race between the band, all in appropriate vehicles ^.^
2. Katy Perry - Hot n' Cold
What?! Katy Perry makes it to NUMBER TWO?! Short answer: Yes. This video is so kooky, crazy wedding dress ladies, old school hip-hop, 80s style disco. But it then provides the question: Which Katy is the best? For the record, Green eye shadow = yummm.
1. Foo Fighters - DOA
Yes, that's right, Grohl and the boys made it to number 1, and no sign of Mr. Black in sight. It was practically the first music video I REALLY got into, the reasons have changed over the years but I still love it to bits ^.^
So...yeah, I hope you've enjoyed it, I know I have, looking through all those videos...Any ideas for another epic countdown anyone?
Special Mention: Every Time I Die - The New Black
Right, I found this video after I started my top 100, so I wasn't able to edit it in. I posted it before on my top 5 songs, but who reads that? Apart from you...JAMES! :p So...yeah, I'm putting this here because if I had found it earlier, it would've been in this top 5.
I like it because the guy reminds me of me: tries to be cool at parties, is seriously freaked by strange people and makes terrible first impressions ^.^ Oh and the ending is greattt!
5. Pendulum - Voodoo People
If anyone REALLY knows this song, they'd know that it was originally done by the prodigy, but then Pendulum remixed it (I'm kinda split between the both of them). I just sort of found this video while mindlessly wandering (virtually) through a music video database online, and it was awesome!
4. Weezer - Pork and Beans
I've not ever really been into this song. But the video had me right from the start. Basically, it parodies all of the Youtube Legends, from dance videos to some gay guy crying about Britney (whatever the fuck that was...). I'm lying, I've seen 90% of the videos that make up the music video: I've only not seen two.
3. The Raconteurs - Steady as she Goes
Any fan of this song may have put the video on down at hollywood bowl and seen some derranged video at a barn or something with some cows (animals, not women), this is NOT that video. This is the second version, involving an amazing soap box race between the band, all in appropriate vehicles ^.^
2. Katy Perry - Hot n' Cold
What?! Katy Perry makes it to NUMBER TWO?! Short answer: Yes. This video is so kooky, crazy wedding dress ladies, old school hip-hop, 80s style disco. But it then provides the question: Which Katy is the best? For the record, Green eye shadow = yummm.
1. Foo Fighters - DOA
Yes, that's right, Grohl and the boys made it to number 1, and no sign of Mr. Black in sight. It was practically the first music video I REALLY got into, the reasons have changed over the years but I still love it to bits ^.^
So...yeah, I hope you've enjoyed it, I know I have, looking through all those videos...Any ideas for another epic countdown anyone?
Thursday, 10 September 2009

All good things come to an end
Well, today is officially the last day of holiday, and I must say, it's been something.
Things haven't always gone smoothly for me during the holidays, and I've not let many people forget it. This one was different, simply in the sense that things actually happened.
I should probably start by saying that I lost a hell of a lot of friends (or should I say "friends"). The liars, the people who just knew me for a joke. That aside, I gained another best friend. That doesn't sound very important, but trust me, it's VERY hard to fully gain my trust in everything. To be honest, I think they're just as surprised as I am...in a good way of course.
But unfortunately, all good things come to an end. Most of my friends are here, but that doesn't mean I wont be missing seeing those that have gone to college and have jobs and everything. I have no idea how September will play out, that's how it is. I trust people to sort things out by themselves, I mean, a lot of people just drifted over the holidays but I just put that down to expired friendships. We'll see.
Omnia causa fiunt.
Things haven't always gone smoothly for me during the holidays, and I've not let many people forget it. This one was different, simply in the sense that things actually happened.
I should probably start by saying that I lost a hell of a lot of friends (or should I say "friends"). The liars, the people who just knew me for a joke. That aside, I gained another best friend. That doesn't sound very important, but trust me, it's VERY hard to fully gain my trust in everything. To be honest, I think they're just as surprised as I am...in a good way of course.
But unfortunately, all good things come to an end. Most of my friends are here, but that doesn't mean I wont be missing seeing those that have gone to college and have jobs and everything. I have no idea how September will play out, that's how it is. I trust people to sort things out by themselves, I mean, a lot of people just drifted over the holidays but I just put that down to expired friendships. We'll see.
Omnia causa fiunt.
Sunday, 6 September 2009

Top 5 Songs (or Tunes) Week Starting 31/08
Posted by
escape the fate,
taking back sunday,
the prodigy,
Top 5
Yeah, I've gotten into some tunes and remixes this week (yesterday) ^.^
5. 10 Miles Wide - Escape the fate
I've had this song for about 2 weeks without actually knowing what it was called, and I feel really silly for not guessing :p this is only REALLY in my list because i accidentally listened to it too much and got it stuck in my head :p
4. Warrior's Dance - The Prodigy
I've always liked the prodigy (to some extent) and i guess it's the bass that REALLY makes this tune work, it's craaaazy :p
3. Mercury Summer (Nero vs Ohms Remix) - Fightstar
In answer to your question: no. This DOESN'T count as the same song appearing on two lists, because this is totally different to the original. It's a lot more...dancey. It basically just steals some snippets of lyrics and a teensy bit of tune then puts it's own tune in and makes it sound just as awesome as the original (: short lesson for you.
2. Showdown - Pendulum
"It's been such a long time coming, I thought you'd understand" and then we kick off into the most amazing tune I've heard over the past few days. I've always loved Slam by these guys (who are surprisingly Australian, even though they're based in the UK) and I thought that nothing would equal it. I was wrong (:
1. Summer, Man - Taking Back Sunday
Ahh, you didn't expect for an actual song to make it into number one did you? Well, here you go, Taking Back Sunday make it back for...is it the third time now? Well, I believe that makes them the band to have the most number ones so far then. Anyway, it's about the summer ending, so it's pretty relevant, even though I like it for the tune and the lyrics and didn't notice until just now :p Loving it.
(by the way, I couldn't be bothered to proof check these, I just copied them. In the case that they're wrong, please call me, I'm open weekdays from 10am-8pm)
yeah,i played dead, immersed
in that technicolour kind of black and white type,
counting one, two... seven through the roof
if my lady only knew how high i am,
i am tonight
i crack open the safe myself, nine,
fourty-five, twenty-two, june until september,
three months 'til december
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
"i'll be seeing you around."
'cause i ain't working for you anymore,
no, i ain't working for you anymore,
so go prove to the world what you
already proved
that you just couldn't do on your own.
let's have a talk about the good times
but you were always giving in
let's have a talk about the good times
boy, you were only giving in
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
"i'll be seeing you around."
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
"i'll be seeing you around."
let's have a talk about the good times
but you were always giving in
let's have a talk about the good times
boy, you were only giving in to...
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
be seeing you around.
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
"i'll be seeing you around."
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
"i'll be seeing you around."
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
"i'll be seeing you around."
5. 10 Miles Wide - Escape the fate
I've had this song for about 2 weeks without actually knowing what it was called, and I feel really silly for not guessing :p this is only REALLY in my list because i accidentally listened to it too much and got it stuck in my head :p
4. Warrior's Dance - The Prodigy
I've always liked the prodigy (to some extent) and i guess it's the bass that REALLY makes this tune work, it's craaaazy :p
3. Mercury Summer (Nero vs Ohms Remix) - Fightstar
In answer to your question: no. This DOESN'T count as the same song appearing on two lists, because this is totally different to the original. It's a lot more...dancey. It basically just steals some snippets of lyrics and a teensy bit of tune then puts it's own tune in and makes it sound just as awesome as the original (: short lesson for you.
2. Showdown - Pendulum
"It's been such a long time coming, I thought you'd understand" and then we kick off into the most amazing tune I've heard over the past few days. I've always loved Slam by these guys (who are surprisingly Australian, even though they're based in the UK) and I thought that nothing would equal it. I was wrong (:
1. Summer, Man - Taking Back Sunday
Ahh, you didn't expect for an actual song to make it into number one did you? Well, here you go, Taking Back Sunday make it back for...is it the third time now? Well, I believe that makes them the band to have the most number ones so far then. Anyway, it's about the summer ending, so it's pretty relevant, even though I like it for the tune and the lyrics and didn't notice until just now :p Loving it.
(by the way, I couldn't be bothered to proof check these, I just copied them. In the case that they're wrong, please call me, I'm open weekdays from 10am-8pm)
yeah,i played dead, immersed
in that technicolour kind of black and white type,
counting one, two... seven through the roof
if my lady only knew how high i am,
i am tonight
i crack open the safe myself, nine,
fourty-five, twenty-two, june until september,
three months 'til december
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
"i'll be seeing you around."
'cause i ain't working for you anymore,
no, i ain't working for you anymore,
so go prove to the world what you
already proved
that you just couldn't do on your own.
let's have a talk about the good times
but you were always giving in
let's have a talk about the good times
boy, you were only giving in
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
"i'll be seeing you around."
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
"i'll be seeing you around."
let's have a talk about the good times
but you were always giving in
let's have a talk about the good times
boy, you were only giving in to...
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
be seeing you around.
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
"i'll be seeing you around."
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
"i'll be seeing you around."
the summer is over
and i doubt,
i doubt i'll be seeing you around.
"i'll be seeing you around."
Friday, 4 September 2009

Top 100 Music Videos (10-6)
Posted by
30 seconds to mars,
music videos,
my chemical romance,
ok go,
the all-american rejects,
top 100
I bet my two week absence got you all really excited about my top 10. Well, my little Video Seekers, behold, the first half of my top 10!
10. The All-American Rejects - The Last Song
Yes, yes I know, three songs out of four. I chose this video over the over two because i can connect with it a lot easier, awww.
9. My Chemical Romance - Helena
This has always been one of my favourite music videos, it carries so much emotion, and is so well staged. I love it ^.^
8. Ok Go - Here It Goes Again
This music video is LEGENDARY. It's so simple yet so awesome to watch. Very clever indeed.
7. Lostprophets - A Town Called Hypocrisy
This was the first video where lostprophets stopped looking American and actually showed their true British roots, and for that, I am proud. I don't know why there's like two minutes of nothing at the end either...
6. 30 Seconds to Mars - The Kill
This video made it into my top 10 because it's full of freedom and mystery. And the bit with the argument? Better than sex (give or take).
Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Catch up.
Posted by
crazy golf,
escape the fate,
Top 5
Today I had my interview to confirm my lesson choices for sixth form. Long story short, I'm in.
Seeing as this is some kind of life story thing, I'll tell you my results:
Maths: A
Science: A
English: C
English Literature: C
Food Technology: C
Performing Arts: C(x2)
Religious Education: E
Also, I'll inform you of my musical tastes lately, the week before last my top songs were:
4. Murderland - I created a monster
3. Escape the Fate - Friends and Alibis
2.Chiodos - Is it progression if a cannibal uses a fork?
1. Chiodos - Lexington
And last week my top song was most definately Pessimist by Tat.
In the poker game you missed I came last (karolina took my out) but I later took over from James (he had to leave) to play for "the lads". I got my revenge on Karolina and just about got it even before the game was postponed until a few days later...The lads won (:
Crazy golf with friends standings:
1st: Emma - 67 strokes
2nd Me - 70 strokes
3rd Karolina - 73 strokes
4th Eleanor - can't remember
5th James - can't remember
Top golf and crazy golf with family:
top golf position: 3rd (out of 5)
Crazy golf position: 2nd - 63 points
And finally, on results day my glorious friends and I went bowling, here are the results:
Game 1:
1st: Eleanor (barriers)
2nd: Emma (barriers)
3rd: Karolina (barriers)
4th: James (no barriers)
5th: Me (no barriers)
6th: Tom (no barriers)
Game 2 (No barriers):
1st: James
2nd: Tom
3rd: Me
4th: Karolina
5th: Emma
6th: Eleanor
and we played a mini pool tourney:
Semi Finals:
Seeing as this is some kind of life story thing, I'll tell you my results:
Maths: A
Science: A
English: C
English Literature: C
Food Technology: C
Performing Arts: C(x2)
Religious Education: E
Also, I'll inform you of my musical tastes lately, the week before last my top songs were:
4. Murderland - I created a monster
3. Escape the Fate - Friends and Alibis
2.Chiodos - Is it progression if a cannibal uses a fork?
1. Chiodos - Lexington
And last week my top song was most definately Pessimist by Tat.
In the poker game you missed I came last (karolina took my out) but I later took over from James (he had to leave) to play for "the lads". I got my revenge on Karolina and just about got it even before the game was postponed until a few days later...The lads won (:
Crazy golf with friends standings:
1st: Emma - 67 strokes
2nd Me - 70 strokes
3rd Karolina - 73 strokes
4th Eleanor - can't remember
5th James - can't remember
Top golf and crazy golf with family:
top golf position: 3rd (out of 5)
Crazy golf position: 2nd - 63 points
And finally, on results day my glorious friends and I went bowling, here are the results:
Game 1:
1st: Eleanor (barriers)
2nd: Emma (barriers)
3rd: Karolina (barriers)
4th: James (no barriers)
5th: Me (no barriers)
6th: Tom (no barriers)
Game 2 (No barriers):
1st: James
2nd: Tom
3rd: Me
4th: Karolina
5th: Emma
6th: Eleanor
and we played a mini pool tourney:
Semi Finals:
Tom Black
James Ellwood
Tom Black
Adam Batchelor
Emma Peters
Winner: Adam Batchelor
Tom Black
Adam Batchelor
Emma Peters
Winner: Adam Batchelor
Tom Black
Adam Batchelor
Winner: Adam Batchelor ^.^
Adam Batchelor
Winner: Adam Batchelor ^.^
Now, do we feel up to date?
Dear Blog 2.0
It's just come to my attention that I haven't written to you in nearly two weeks :( I've missed out a top 5 (or two), a poker game and TWO games of crazy golf...
I feel so guilty...
However, those things have passed and are unfortunately undocumented forever. Me writing here is to take up the responsibility of bringing this blog back from the dead, starting now.
I feel so guilty...
However, those things have passed and are unfortunately undocumented forever. Me writing here is to take up the responsibility of bringing this blog back from the dead, starting now.
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