Scott Pilgrim (and life)

Just before I start bombarding you with things today, I'l like to make it clear that this isn't about how Scott Pilgrim effects my life, the two are seperate. This isn't going to end up on Jeremy Kyle or something. Clear? Good.
4th Osymyso remix - Ramona
Thought I'd just slip that in there, now I can talk about life. Southend was good. I played two games of crazy golf and a considerable amount of Time Crisis 3. It was proper crazy golf too, there was a windmill!
Oh yeah, that's right. However, that's nothing compared to the real winner of the show, check out this baby!
It's the coolest hand dryer I have ever encountered. Virtually instant dry, it's all exciting stuff here.

Or at least, it was then, I haven't done anything since, and I won't be out again until Monday, so don't expect many "life" updates until then.

...Save me.


eleanor1812 said...

is that the first time you've seen a dyson handdrier? really?

Katoli said...

Dude, those things are fucking everywhere?

Adam said...

Look, I've never seen one before, maybe it's one of those "girls only" deals.

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