
If responsibility isn't looking after a house for five days, I don't know what is. This counts especially if you plan on having plenty of people drifting in and out, cooking for them, etc. Today is day 2 of that responsibility, I've cooked two meals (properly cooked too, not just heated something from a fridge) for six people, Eleanor, Aaron, Daisy, Nicole, Tom and myself. I also cleaned up after cooking this morning (Nicole very kindly offered to wash up last night). So yeah, take that world!

As for the rest of the week, Damaris is due over this afternoon, I'm off to see Scott Pilgrim with Eleanor tomorrow evening and I'm baking with Karolina on Friday. It should all be lovely.

In regards to the past 24 hours, I thank the five mentioned above for being lovely guests.

P.S. Don't think I forgot about that last Osymyso remix, here it is:



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