They say there's no such thing as a free lunch, well I proved that wrong from the start, with a voucher for a free burger from ThaT Burger (and it was awesome). I also went to London to get my Scott Pilgrim books signed by the original creator, here's the story of that.

So, we rode on trains and things (with my brand new super awesome oyster card!) and started looking for the surprisingly hard to find
Forbidden Planet store. We found it, we looked around, and we discvoered where the queue for the event was (the one in the backalley). However, we wanted something to eat, so we hit starbucks! The sinister religious building pictured above was our landmark, it helped us get back ^.^

The picture above was the queue in front of us, and the picture below was the queue behind us, I'd say we weren't in a bad position. However, you can't really go wrong with a queue placement when there's a two hour wait attached.

Two hours later we got in! Here's the man himself:

Con: The signing was only two items per person, so there was no way I'd get all 6 of my books signed (7 if you count my spare copy of book 5).
Pro: I had Eleanor, so I could get four signed!
This right here would be a picture that Eleanor took,
but since she hasn't sent me any photos yet,
I'm writing this message to replace it, shame on you
tUpon discovering that I had formed a cunning plan to get four of my books signed, he jokingly called me a "cheeky bastard" (eeeeeeeeeeee!). So, these are my books:
Book 1
Book 6
Book 5
Book 4
I'm certain there's some kind of hidden message somewhere , but I'm happy all the same. Good job Mr. O'Mally, you're now officially the most famous person I've ever met (at least you are in my eyes anyway)!
...I'm so happy.
P.S. Although Eleanor is slated above, she's awesome. Don't let my hate comments changed the fact that she's one of the best friends anyone could ever hope for.
Damn right i'm awesome! and thank you :)
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