4th Osymyso remix - Ramona
Thought I'd just slip that in there, now I can talk about life. Southend was good. I played two games of crazy golf and a considerable amount of Time Crisis 3. It was proper crazy golf too, there was a windmill!
Oh yeah, that's right. However, that's nothing compared to the real winner of the show, check out this baby!
It's the coolest hand dryer I have ever encountered. Virtually instant dry, it's all exciting stuff here.
Or at least, it was then, I haven't done anything since, and I won't be out again until Monday, so don't expect many "life" updates until then.
...Save me.

Or at least, it was then, I haven't done anything since, and I won't be out again until Monday, so don't expect many "life" updates until then.
...Save me.
is that the first time you've seen a dyson handdrier? really?
Dude, those things are fucking everywhere?
Look, I've never seen one before, maybe it's one of those "girls only" deals.
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