I'm going to start with what happened BEFORE my last post: I didn't pass my AS exams well enough to carry on to A2. I know what you're saying, "You can just retake the year!", not if your school isn't offering the same subjects to the new AS year. It hit me pretty hard, but I think I needed something like that to sort me out. You see, I have a list of 16 schools in the area to call about a place in a sixth form. I need to call 12 of them again since their offices apparently wont be up and running until tomorrow. Of the four that answered, one school wants an application.
Early this afternoon, I returned to my old school to break the news that I no longer intended to be a student there, my ex head of sixth form told me that he thought I'd made the right decision, before wishing me luck and sending me on my way. Moving forward. That's what's happening in my life right now.
What else have I done? My last post was written after the first day of looking after my own house, I should probably tell you about the rest of that week. On Tuesday, Damaris came over, we ordered pizza and watched Ice Age 3. She slept on the sofa and demanded I slept on the floor because she's afraid of the dark.
Damaris has played a fairly major part in my life recently, since she was the only person I saw on the day after I got my AS results (and the day after that). She thinks I'm generally a horrible person, yet she seems to hang out with me more than any of her other friends, take from that what you will.
On Wednesday, Eleanor came to mine, I was pretty on edge, seeing as I'd discovered that I'd have to wait TWELVE HOURS until the Scott pilgrim game came out (this was about 11 hours before she arrived). When it finally came out, I bought it on my mother's credit card details and we played it for a time that registers between "I can't remember" and "I wasn't paying attention", all I can really remember is that Damaris left while we were playing the game, or I walked her to the bus stop, or something. Either way, it's an amazing game. After my gaming needs had been satisfied, Eleanor and myself headed up to London to watch Scott Pilgrim on opening night. This event will be explored more in another post. Deal with it.
Thursday was a moderately empty day after Eleanor left, although I had the best bangers and mash ready meal. I probably just played Scott Pilgrim for most of the day. Who knows.
And then Friday came (why wouldn't it?), I don't quite know why, but the outings arranged by Karolina and myself always seem to be planned months (seemingly) in advance with military precision. It's kind of cool. What was Friday's plan? To go drink coffee, do something that would probably pass as shopping, hand in some CVs and then make some brownies at mine! For the record, they were the best brownies ever.
My family arrived home later that evening to find some form of Mario Kart throwdown taking place. Obviously I won.
They also found a very clean kitchen, that's an important fact.
Everything I've done since then is either school related or none of your business, unless it was today, then I can tell you. Today, after my trip to my former place of learning, Damaris and I went to the cinema, we were due to meet everyone else there (5 others), but we were there at least an hour and a half before the film started, which was all cool. However, there was a disturbance in the force, as both the girl my friend says has a crush on me was there to see a generic dance film AND the cashier I'm convinced wants me was working too, I should probably choose one and go for it. Or just go for both and hope one works and one fails. Either way, the previous sentence means neither of them can ever find out about this blog. Ever.
Then nearly everyone (Aaron, Nicole, Eleanor, Eleanor's sister) turned up and we all watched Scott Pilgrim. And that's it really, I've had a good time. Thanks to Damaris and Karolina especially (others will get their thanks in the Scott Pilgrim post, so stop complaining, damnit), you're both wonderful people.
And if you didn't pay attention to any of that, here's a webcomic page for you (as always, click to enlarge).

That really is all,
P.S. Don't ever complain that I don't write long posts again. Without these foot notes, this post is 846 words long. you know who you are.
P.P.S. More pictures would make this post 20% more cool, but personally, I can't be bothered.
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