
If responsibility isn't looking after a house for five days, I don't know what is. This counts especially if you plan on having plenty of people drifting in and out, cooking for them, etc. Today is day 2 of that responsibility, I've cooked two meals (properly cooked too, not just heated something from a fridge) for six people, Eleanor, Aaron, Daisy, Nicole, Tom and myself. I also cleaned up after cooking this morning (Nicole very kindly offered to wash up last night). So yeah, take that world!

As for the rest of the week, Damaris is due over this afternoon, I'm off to see Scott Pilgrim with Eleanor tomorrow evening and I'm baking with Karolina on Friday. It should all be lovely.

In regards to the past 24 hours, I thank the five mentioned above for being lovely guests.

P.S. Don't think I forgot about that last Osymyso remix, here it is:


Sixth Osymyso Scott Pilgrim remix.


Bryan Lee O'Malley signing!

They say there's no such thing as a free lunch, well I proved that wrong from the start, with a voucher for a free burger from ThaT Burger (and it was awesome). I also went to London to get my Scott Pilgrim books signed by the original creator, here's the story of that.
So, we rode on trains and things (with my brand new super awesome oyster card!) and started looking for the surprisingly hard to find Forbidden Planet store. We found it, we looked around, and we discvoered where the queue for the event was (the one in the backalley). However, we wanted something to eat, so we hit starbucks! The sinister religious building pictured above was our landmark, it helped us get back ^.^
The picture above was the queue in front of us, and the picture below was the queue behind us, I'd say we weren't in a bad position. However, you can't really go wrong with a queue placement when there's a two hour wait attached.Two hours later we got in! Here's the man himself:
Con: The signing was only two items per person, so there was no way I'd get all 6 of my books signed (7 if you count my spare copy of book 5).

Pro: I had Eleanor, so I could get four signed!

This right here would be a picture that Eleanor took,
but since she hasn't sent me any photos yet,
I'm writing this message to replace it, shame on you

tUpon discovering that I had formed a cunning plan to get four of my books signed, he jokingly called me a "cheeky bastard" (eeeeeeeeeeee!). So, these are my books:
Book 1
Book 6
Book 5
Book 4
I'm certain there's some kind of hidden message somewhere , but I'm happy all the same. Good job Mr. O'Mally, you're now officially the most famous person I've ever met (at least you are in my eyes anyway)!

...I'm so happy.

P.S. Although Eleanor is slated above, she's awesome. Don't let my hate comments changed the fact that she's one of the best friends anyone could ever hope for.

Augusty things.

Today you have a choice, you can either watch the fifth scott pilgrim osymyso remix here:


or you can read some more about lil' ol' me. If you've already watched the video, stop. Right now. No peeking.

Okay, so I've made it to about midway through August, normally I would have completely lost it by now. As it happens, I've only just begun to lose it. However, on the plus side, I'm off to see Bryan Lee O'Malley tomorrow, the artist who created Scott Pilgrim! Needless to say, I'm hyped.

Glad that's out of my system, apparently my week just planned itself in the last hour.

Good job Adam?

P.S. I know you checked out both!

Scott Pilgrim (and life)

Just before I start bombarding you with things today, I'l like to make it clear that this isn't about how Scott Pilgrim effects my life, the two are seperate. This isn't going to end up on Jeremy Kyle or something. Clear? Good.
4th Osymyso remix - Ramona
Thought I'd just slip that in there, now I can talk about life. Southend was good. I played two games of crazy golf and a considerable amount of Time Crisis 3. It was proper crazy golf too, there was a windmill!
Oh yeah, that's right. However, that's nothing compared to the real winner of the show, check out this baby!
It's the coolest hand dryer I have ever encountered. Virtually instant dry, it's all exciting stuff here.

Or at least, it was then, I haven't done anything since, and I won't be out again until Monday, so don't expect many "life" updates until then.

...Save me.

Dat third scott pilgrim remix!


Newspaper headline of the year, SO FAR

I just happened to glance at a newspaper yesterday, what I found was more than I could ever hope for. This is what the headline on the front page said:
It's great isn't it? The paper has no care that the doctor was killed. Oh no, the REAL news is that she was due to marry! You've got to love hating newspapers sometimes. I can only hope for more of headlines like this.

21 days until Scott Pilgrim vs the World.

Yeah, countdown titles, they seem kind of sad and I'm not sure if I like them. But I'm having them anyway!

I'm sticking to my schedule of epic epicness and providing you with the second remix by Osymyso

This week's moving kind of fast, I'll do my best to keep up with posting, I might even tell you what I've been doing (it's nothing completely out of the ordinary, so don't panic).

Scott pilgrim month!

Since all of you seem to be allergic to research, I will announce that the connection between those four music videos were that Edgar Wright was the director! The big giveaway was the use of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.

I'm just going to assume that you all knew this month would be Scott Pilgrim themed, since it's only 24 days until I go to see it on opening night at the ICA. Until then, I will be counting down here! Yayyyy.

I'll be doing this by providing you with videos, such as this one:

It's one of seven remixes (this one's called prepare) made by a guy known as Osymyso, I'll be posting the rest at convenient intervals throughout the month. I'll also be talking about the books, posting screen shots and unleashing all the other various bits and pieces I have saved up from last month.

And y'know, if Scott Pilgrim isn't quite your shindig (shame on you), I'll still stray away and do various "life" related posts.

So it begins, the countdown to Scott Pilgrim vs the world!