I personally think it's time for a blog, so once again here we all are.
I've been asking around lately, and it has been only me thinking this but I'll say it anyway: my weeks are beginning to form themes. Last week was very much a week about self improvement, including human utopia, the uni trip, my awesome book and the like. So what's this week about? Pointlessness. Yes, it's a tad different from last week I know, but I don't exactly choose what my week's about (or do I?).
So, basically The Great Gatsby has dominated my learning week. It's subliminal meaning is that life is pointless, which is fair enough. Another aspect of all this is blogs: now that I finally have blogs to read written by all kinds of people beginning with the letter N, I get to see how people are human once again. Only today I read a very human blog focusing on the pointlessness of life and the author. In my very own opinion, this makes the author human and ultimately not worthless.
[Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person who thinks having a heart is ultimately a good thing...]
The idea of pointlessness crossed my own mind earlier tonight, while I was at the gifted and talented evening. It was well after Eleanor's awesome speech and down to the very last speaker when the words "why am I here?" crossed my mind. I mean, it was ultimately pointless to attend seeing as my area of expertise is never spoken of anyway. Nevertheless, I went there to support my best friend if for nothing else.
Still, this idea of pointlessness dominates the week, whether it's considering putting off further education for a year or chasing some boy. Essentially, this blog itself is pointless, so why do I write it?
Because I love it ^.^
And you, the reader, you love it.
Therefore pointlessness is eliminated.
The End.
It's been a strange week...
Posted by
how to win friends and influence people,
human utopia,
That's becoming a bit of a catchphrase for me now, I must say it every Friday. However, this week is definitely up there in levels of strange, the good kind of strange. I'll get straight to it: admittedly, Monday was pretty normal, I'll give it that. Tuesday will need a new paragraph though.
On Tuesday, the entire sixth form had to go to an all day assembly called "human utopia". It was basically about us making the most out of life by getting into "the panic zone". It was fairly interesting, but the thing is that I think it came a few weeks too late. One of the activities was to bring people who didn't know each other together, which I did last week. Another was to stand up if we were bullied and say why. This activity was more like a year late, because since January, I've been working through it all with myself and it's not really been a problem. The thing is, the day did effect a lot of people, including my best friend. What makes it even worse is that I really didn't know what to do. I used to be a guy that could solve pretty much anything and always knew what to say, but that was for some kind of knowledge. Since then, I chose friends over knowledge and my amazing problem solving skills just disappeared, but at the same time so did my problem creating skills, I prefer things this way. It was then and there I truly realised how bad my social skills were, they REALLY need to be improved...
Wednesday was university preview day over in Portsmouth: I was there. The plan was originally to go and see a talk on Biology, a talk on Media production, a talk on Maths and a talk on Accommodation and finance. We got there late, so that was biology out of the window. The talk on Media Production was amazing: the university actually owns a TV station so that students can run it for the course. That wasn't the part I was interested in though, I wanted to direct. Some of the footage shown was amazing, they had won so so many awards. It's set that if I ever want to do media production, I'm going to Portsmouth. That was the only talk I went to in the end, apparently I didn't miss anything with biology and maths though, I'll go look for those elsewhere. After that we went to explore the local shopping area, which is pretty much just clothes and a line of restruants (literally), we found subway on the end of the line and ate there. It was an interesting day, running around a city I barely knew with nothing but a really rough map and a guy who shares my first name, it reminded me of my will that should help me find the way in life.
In a sense, Thursday was the strangest day of the week because it was set out to be a normal day. Obviously this didn't happen and I ended up spending ALL of my lessons in the sixth form study area because none of my teachers were available to teach my lessons at the right time. I also got my book, "How to win friends and influence people". But my album STILL hasn't arrived, some first class delievery...
Friday, today. Yesterday I found a message in my facebook inbox from callum asking if I wanted to go and see "Up" in 3d, I did. We had a normal school day and on the way home I go
t some cash out of the machine at tescos. A bit further up the road, James and myself saw a man using a golf club as a mimic guitar . . . while riding his bike! Anyway, I got home and sat down, replied to a text at 3pm and shut my eyes. At 5pm my mum woke me up. The strange thing was that the reply to my text came at about 5:10pm. Anyway, I got the cinema in time and as I met and greeted the ladies and gentlemen I'd be sharing my cinema viewing with, I spotted something out of the corner of my eye: it was only the one and only Emily Crye! I hadn't seen her since May (It was blogged), I spoke to her for a bit - further showing myself that my social skills were just plain bad - and then went back to the till to pay for my ticket. Or at least that's what I thought, because the ticket cost TEN POUNDS FORTY FIVE! Luckily, Aaron had some silvers. The film itself was good, I wouldn't call it 3d, just UHD (ultra-high definition). It made me laugh quite a lot, pixar films have always had that charming quality to them, and they're always original concepts (except maybe Nemo). I reccomend it, but maybe only the 2d version :P Afterwards I was offered a lift home by Aaron. It's a weird feeling having a friend who can drive, it's always something I imagined :P
So, thank you to Tom for keeping me company on the coach to portsmouth, Adam for keeping me company in media production, Ewan for keeping me company while everyone else went to games technology and on thursday, Rajiv for keeping me company on thursday and telling me the time of the cinema today, James for generally being a great mate, Callum, Daisy, Damaris and Aaron for a lovely cinema trip and lift home and most importantly Eleanor, for just being there.
On Tuesday, the entire sixth form had to go to an all day assembly called "human utopia". It was basically about us making the most out of life by getting into "the panic zone". It was fairly interesting, but the thing is that I think it came a few weeks too late. One of the activities was to bring people who didn't know each other together, which I did last week. Another was to stand up if we were bullied and say why. This activity was more like a year late, because since January, I've been working through it all with myself and it's not really been a problem. The thing is, the day did effect a lot of people, including my best friend. What makes it even worse is that I really didn't know what to do. I used to be a guy that could solve pretty much anything and always knew what to say, but that was for some kind of knowledge. Since then, I chose friends over knowledge and my amazing problem solving skills just disappeared, but at the same time so did my problem creating skills, I prefer things this way. It was then and there I truly realised how bad my social skills were, they REALLY need to be improved...
Wednesday was university preview day over in Portsmouth: I was there. The plan was originally to go and see a talk on Biology, a talk on Media production, a talk on Maths and a talk on Accommodation and finance. We got there late, so that was biology out of the window. The talk on Media Production was amazing: the university actually owns a TV station so that students can run it for the course. That wasn't the part I was interested in though, I wanted to direct. Some of the footage shown was amazing, they had won so so many awards. It's set that if I ever want to do media production, I'm going to Portsmouth. That was the only talk I went to in the end, apparently I didn't miss anything with biology and maths though, I'll go look for those elsewhere. After that we went to explore the local shopping area, which is pretty much just clothes and a line of restruants (literally), we found subway on the end of the line and ate there. It was an interesting day, running around a city I barely knew with nothing but a really rough map and a guy who shares my first name, it reminded me of my will that should help me find the way in life.
In a sense, Thursday was the strangest day of the week because it was set out to be a normal day. Obviously this didn't happen and I ended up spending ALL of my lessons in the sixth form study area because none of my teachers were available to teach my lessons at the right time. I also got my book, "How to win friends and influence people". But my album STILL hasn't arrived, some first class delievery...
Friday, today. Yesterday I found a message in my facebook inbox from callum asking if I wanted to go and see "Up" in 3d, I did. We had a normal school day and on the way home I go

So, thank you to Tom for keeping me company on the coach to portsmouth, Adam for keeping me company in media production, Ewan for keeping me company while everyone else went to games technology and on thursday, Rajiv for keeping me company on thursday and telling me the time of the cinema today, James for generally being a great mate, Callum, Daisy, Damaris and Aaron for a lovely cinema trip and lift home and most importantly Eleanor, for just being there.
Friday, 16 October 2009

Brains! (a geeky post)
One note before I start tonight: I FINALLY HAVE 10 FOLLOWERS!!! FUCK TO THE YEAH!!! WOO!!! Ok, let's begin.
Tonight, I thought I'd be generally geeky and talk about games. I'll focus on one game in particular: Left 4 dead. It's a zombie game, and if I'm gonna get back to Team Fortress 2 (for the updates!!) I need to nurse my accuracy skills back to health, surely blowing zombie heads to bits is the only way? So yeah, I killed some zombies, got pissed off at my team mates and felt pretty cool. Then I played online.
Ok, so the basic outline of the mode I was in was to survive for as long as possible in your team of four. No problem. Problem: my team mates were all Spanish. We did ok, our best time was just over three minutes and we barely shot each other at all, I just followed them and shot things, like a good team mate. then I always died trying to get to them to help them get up or by getting punched off of the top of a lighthouse into water by the biggest fuck off zombie ever. About 5 rounds passed until I had one of the best L4D experiences ever.
The round started in the set up phase as normal, but then a couple of shots were fired between two of the four players. The other player and myself ran to the top of the lighthouse and watched below as the action unfolded, my "lighthouse buddy" started firing some shots downwards, I stayed quiet. Soon a carefully placed grenade from one player blew the other guy down, and another took the other player down, thrown by the "lighthouse buddy", he followed up by going down and finishing them both off. He healed himself, I thought "great, I wonder how long we can really survive with only half a team", then the inevitable happened: a shot fired at me. It hit the rail in front of me, I instinctively crouched and emptied a clip in the direction of my ex lighthouse buddy.
What ensued can only be described by me as epic. It would make a great movie scene any day. He ran out of sight, I climbed down and picked up a shotgun from the stash for short range combat, we fired off a few rounds inside the lighthouse until i decided to retreat and retrieve my rifle again. he used this opportunity to throw down a few molotovs and block my path so he could heal himself again, I headed to the roof and did the same. The gunfights followed by healing continued to happen (at various places around the area) until there were two medical packs left: I quickly took advantage and used one and took the other for later use. Turned out I needed it, he got the advantage at close range and we took the fight to the lighthouse balcony. While he stayed up, I headed down and took a sniper rifle.
During the cease fire that followed, I suddenly realised that no zombies had arrived yet, I haven't a clue why, maybe they just saw the gun fire and thought "fuck that, they're mental". Anyway, the cease fire ended when my team mate turned opponent decided to jump up to sneak a few shots in, I was ready and crammed in two sniper rounds before he landed. Eventually I realised that the fight was mine, and so did he. He said something in Spanish, and then jumped again. I finally picked him off with a sneaky shot where he just accidentally left his head in view while walking around the lighthouse. The following scene involved me standing over my incapacitated foe on the edge of the lighthouse balcony (who was still wielding two pistols even though he couldn't walk), punching him in the face. I'd quite happily add dialogue of "You bastard! You bastard!" for dramatic effect. It just showed that breaking the rules to create a game of your own is cool (but only if every one's up for it, if not, you're just being a dick) and more importantly, that I'm a winner =D. Anyway, my geeky session is nearly over now, I'll just leave you with this spoof video of the game, because I love it ^.^ (it's very true when related to game play).
Tonight, I thought I'd be generally geeky and talk about games. I'll focus on one game in particular: Left 4 dead. It's a zombie game, and if I'm gonna get back to Team Fortress 2 (for the updates!!) I need to nurse my accuracy skills back to health, surely blowing zombie heads to bits is the only way? So yeah, I killed some zombies, got pissed off at my team mates and felt pretty cool. Then I played online.
Ok, so the basic outline of the mode I was in was to survive for as long as possible in your team of four. No problem. Problem: my team mates were all Spanish. We did ok, our best time was just over three minutes and we barely shot each other at all, I just followed them and shot things, like a good team mate. then I always died trying to get to them to help them get up or by getting punched off of the top of a lighthouse into water by the biggest fuck off zombie ever. About 5 rounds passed until I had one of the best L4D experiences ever.
The round started in the set up phase as normal, but then a couple of shots were fired between two of the four players. The other player and myself ran to the top of the lighthouse and watched below as the action unfolded, my "lighthouse buddy" started firing some shots downwards, I stayed quiet. Soon a carefully placed grenade from one player blew the other guy down, and another took the other player down, thrown by the "lighthouse buddy", he followed up by going down and finishing them both off. He healed himself, I thought "great, I wonder how long we can really survive with only half a team", then the inevitable happened: a shot fired at me. It hit the rail in front of me, I instinctively crouched and emptied a clip in the direction of my ex lighthouse buddy.
What ensued can only be described by me as epic. It would make a great movie scene any day. He ran out of sight, I climbed down and picked up a shotgun from the stash for short range combat, we fired off a few rounds inside the lighthouse until i decided to retreat and retrieve my rifle again. he used this opportunity to throw down a few molotovs and block my path so he could heal himself again, I headed to the roof and did the same. The gunfights followed by healing continued to happen (at various places around the area) until there were two medical packs left: I quickly took advantage and used one and took the other for later use. Turned out I needed it, he got the advantage at close range and we took the fight to the lighthouse balcony. While he stayed up, I headed down and took a sniper rifle.
During the cease fire that followed, I suddenly realised that no zombies had arrived yet, I haven't a clue why, maybe they just saw the gun fire and thought "fuck that, they're mental". Anyway, the cease fire ended when my team mate turned opponent decided to jump up to sneak a few shots in, I was ready and crammed in two sniper rounds before he landed. Eventually I realised that the fight was mine, and so did he. He said something in Spanish, and then jumped again. I finally picked him off with a sneaky shot where he just accidentally left his head in view while walking around the lighthouse. The following scene involved me standing over my incapacitated foe on the edge of the lighthouse balcony (who was still wielding two pistols even though he couldn't walk), punching him in the face. I'd quite happily add dialogue of "You bastard! You bastard!" for dramatic effect. It just showed that breaking the rules to create a game of your own is cool (but only if every one's up for it, if not, you're just being a dick) and more importantly, that I'm a winner =D. Anyway, my geeky session is nearly over now, I'll just leave you with this spoof video of the game, because I love it ^.^ (it's very true when related to game play).
Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Spider season
It's strange, I think there's now a spider in every corner of my bathroom and I still haven't touched the fly swat. The summer's still attempting to fight off the winter here, it started raining really heavily the day after my birthday and the only sign of autumn you'll find is the smell of damp leaves. I missed that. I have a feeling that there wont be much autumn this year. I mean that in the sense that a warm end of september changed instantly to a cold, wet start of october. Maybe that's all autumn ever is, the fight between winter and summer, and the leaves just can't take it. Excuse me for being poetic.
I like October, not for what happens during it, just for the general mood. Unfortunately, October is the month where I generally realise that things are going to pot for me, and let's be honest, they are.
I like October, not for what happens during it, just for the general mood. Unfortunately, October is the month where I generally realise that things are going to pot for me, and let's be honest, they are.
Sunday, 11 October 2009

The (Late) Birthday Blog/Zombieland
Today was (technically) my birthday thing. The original plan was to just go to my favourite (not closest) cinema and watch a good zombie film with Emma, who also wanted to see a good zombie film. Later I successfully added to this the concept of pizza (: So, the final plan was to meet in Hemel (or "the OTHER town") and then walk to the cinema, eat pizza, see a zombie film.
Obviously the theory involves rainbows and bunny rabbits and all that jazz, the reality involved me standing out in the rain and dark, waiting for the bus that decided to be ten minutes late. No bother, better late than never. By the time I arrived in Hemel, Emma's mum had already offered to give us a lift to Empire (my place of worship), So even though my bus was kind of late, we ended up arriving at pizza hut earlier than expected. We ate (I wont give the details) and then watched our film. Another ticket to add to my collection (Yes, I do keep my tickets)
The review - Zombieland
Zombieland is a film set in an America overrun by zombies. The protagonist of the film is a survivor due to the aid of a set of rules that he wrote himself (for instance rule #1: Cardio, you need to be fit to outrun a zombie), he meets a "badass" partner and they travel together. That's all I'm going to tell you in terms of story (:
Basically, when I said I wanted to see a good zombie film, I just meant a zombie film. It was just an added bonus that this particular zombie film IS actually good. First off: it does provide your daily allocation of gore, Secondly: it's funny (and I'm not generous when I give marks for American comedy films). If I was to do an "*Insert film name here* meets *insert film name here*", I'd say it's Dawn of the Dead meets Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. That might not sound good to you, but the important thing is that it's ORIGINAL. One of the clever features of the film is that whenever a rule is obeyed, it pops up somewhere on the screen (but in a way so that it goes with the camera shot displayed) just to remind us.
Overall, I think it's worth a good 8.5/10.
P.S. Thanks for coming Emma! It was pretty damn awesome (:
Obviously the theory involves rainbows and bunny rabbits and all that jazz, the reality involved me standing out in the rain and dark, waiting for the bus that decided to be ten minutes late. No bother, better late than never. By the time I arrived in Hemel, Emma's mum had already offered to give us a lift to Empire (my place of worship), So even though my bus was kind of late, we ended up arriving at pizza hut earlier than expected. We ate (I wont give the details) and then watched our film. Another ticket to add to my collection (Yes, I do keep my tickets)
The review - Zombieland
Zombieland is a film set in an America overrun by zombies. The protagonist of the film is a survivor due to the aid of a set of rules that he wrote himself (for instance rule #1: Cardio, you need to be fit to outrun a zombie), he meets a "badass" partner and they travel together. That's all I'm going to tell you in terms of story (:
Basically, when I said I wanted to see a good zombie film, I just meant a zombie film. It was just an added bonus that this particular zombie film IS actually good. First off: it does provide your daily allocation of gore, Secondly: it's funny (and I'm not generous when I give marks for American comedy films). If I was to do an "*Insert film name here* meets *insert film name here*", I'd say it's Dawn of the Dead meets Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. That might not sound good to you, but the important thing is that it's ORIGINAL. One of the clever features of the film is that whenever a rule is obeyed, it pops up somewhere on the screen (but in a way so that it goes with the camera shot displayed) just to remind us.
Overall, I think it's worth a good 8.5/10.
P.S. Thanks for coming Emma! It was pretty damn awesome (:
Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Lately, I realised that writing a blog was all very well and good, but I really wanted one to read myself. I started checking everything else out, I thought that Hertfordshire would be a reasonable size area to look for blogs in. There were loads.
I decided to only check out blogs that had been updated sooner than mine (they had about 2 days to do it in), the first blog I read was a guy living not too far away. He spoke about a boy called Lee, and the way he's described, I think I know him as the Lee that came to and went from my school.
Another blog I read was talking about how "everyone is on the blogging scene now, which is good," It would be good if anyone stuck with their blog for more than two months, I found no blog longer than 26 posts, and no blog that'd been running for longer than two months. It's almost depressing how my blog is such a rare breed. The only blogs apart from mine that have been running this long/have this many posts are fashion blogs. I like reading a nice casual blog, such as my own, but it kinda sucks if I have to write it myself. Anyway, I failed to find me a blog to read but no worries, I'm sure I'll find one sometime soon.
I decided to only check out blogs that had been updated sooner than mine (they had about 2 days to do it in), the first blog I read was a guy living not too far away. He spoke about a boy called Lee, and the way he's described, I think I know him as the Lee that came to and went from my school.
Another blog I read was talking about how "everyone is on the blogging scene now, which is good," It would be good if anyone stuck with their blog for more than two months, I found no blog longer than 26 posts, and no blog that'd been running for longer than two months. It's almost depressing how my blog is such a rare breed. The only blogs apart from mine that have been running this long/have this many posts are fashion blogs. I like reading a nice casual blog, such as my own, but it kinda sucks if I have to write it myself. Anyway, I failed to find me a blog to read but no worries, I'm sure I'll find one sometime soon.
Thursday, 1 October 2009

Motivational Poster
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