Basically, a girl I met recently when attending Ultra Culture's last event (WHICH WAS AWESOME) had a spare ticket for Milton Jones' stand-up show (no, I didn't know who he was at the time either). I was interested, having never been to a stand-up show before, so got in there quick like and nabbed the spot.
It turned out that the tickets for said stand-up gig were in THE SECOND ROW.

Basically, I just wanted to gloat about how close I was to the stage...
Also, I saw Nicole prior to this, which was really cool. We bitched about the education system and I learned that cappuccino cups are the most awkward things to hold (or really easy to hold if you want to destroy your hands). I thought she deserved a mention because of this, 'cause she's cool.
Second also, Milton Jones and his support act who's name I forget (Googled: James Acaster) were extremely good, I recommend them to any and all who will inevitably ask regardless of what I say here, so what's the point in telling you here? Honestly...
But seriously, SECOND ROW!
P.S. Afterwards I bumped into Karolina at Euston station which was REALLY CREEPY.
P.P.S. I understand that my blogging style has become awful. I apologise.
Also, I saw Nicole prior to this, which was really cool. We bitched about the education system and I learned that cappuccino cups are the most awkward things to hold (or really easy to hold if you want to destroy your hands). I thought she deserved a mention because of this, 'cause she's cool.
Second also, Milton Jones and his support act who's name I forget (Googled: James Acaster) were extremely good, I recommend them to any and all who will inevitably ask regardless of what I say here, so what's the point in telling you here? Honestly...
But seriously, SECOND ROW!
P.S. Afterwards I bumped into Karolina at Euston station which was REALLY CREEPY.
P.P.S. I understand that my blogging style has become awful. I apologise.
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