22. Look at your watch now.

There are three versions of this video, "unnecessarily long", "decent length" and "cut for music channels", I'll leave you to deduce which version this is, simply based on the previous sentence.

Gwen Stefani - What you waiting for?

Today, I saw too many people. The plan in general was this: See Karolina, get coffee, talk for at least an hour, go on the inevitable shopping trip afterwards, go to bus stop, go home. This all happened, but I saw far too many people I've been to school with at some point in my life while doing so (I'm not used to it). Let's name them, in order:

Bev (at school)
Charles (also at school)
Emily Crye + boyfriend x 4
Holly + sister
Tom Black
Various others will most likely spring to mind in the near future, but chances are I'll never take the time to edit this list (:

Other than the surreal moments which slowly build into the ominous feeling you can't possibly escape the presence of someone somehow related to my past, my day was fantastic. Three hour conversations never get old, although that's a record, not an average. No, Boots doesn't get any less boring. Yes, apparently clocks going on pacific time never get any less entertaining. No, I can't be bothered to bring you up to date with anything else that happened today. I enjoyed it, which is all that matters.

My two closest friends in two days, not bad as far as weeks go.

Tomorrow is very important for me, I'll reveal why in later posts (don't tell them Eleanor!).


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