I've not done badly though, I've got my head around the configs and that's just about all there is to it.
The first thing i did when I logged into steam today was to post an announcement, here it is (note to readers, just skim read):
In a completely non-hostile take over, I have become the leader of the ÐA for 10 days, you may have already noticed some subtle changes to the group (if you're wondering about my tag and the group picture, simply check out my avatar).
For my first act of leadership, I will open up server 2 as a rotation server, that's CTF, CP and KOTH, with some Goldrush and Hoodoo thrown in for good measure.
My second act is to post our mumble channel's details to our group page, if anyone wants to be early birds, the channel will need some TLC and plenty of new subchannels and the like.
Away from all the leadery things, it's the server's birthday on Friday, so we must think of happy happy fun things to do to celebrate!
Get to work maggots!
Your kind leader,
Chief of Police Randomentalist
Be proud of me.
All in all, not a bad day, I've proved that I can maintain, now to attempt to improve (without touching anything that works well already, I'm terrified of doing that),
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