I've not been blogging much lately, simply because I don't think you want to know about my coursework deadlines. However, if you REALLY want to know about the area of the curve representing the cube root of Cosine X, feel free to ask.
Yesterday was a cool day. I went to Aarons with a handful of others and we watched DVDs and ate pizza. That's all I want from life really, simple things. I have a BBQ to attend on Saturday and then I'm hosting my yearly Mayday picnic on Mayday (I know, you would never have guessed). And then that'll probably be the last time I go out until after my exams...
There are plenty of things I wanted to show you but haven't been able to from lack of pictures/inspiration to write; the new year fireworks, Oxford, the first wedding I've ever attended. But I haven't.
I guess I'm bad like that.
Road Trip!
It's funny, I'm not quite sure how to explain yesterday...
Okay, I woke up at about 1pm, to my mother informing me of Aaron's arrival (obviously completely unanticipated). So I got up and sorted myself out and came down to witness my mother giving him a mysterious piece of paper, and then me some money. Shortly upon leaving, I discovered that the piece of paper had a list of free attractions in Hertfordshire, at least one decent day out had to be on here. Our first move was to call Eleanor, to ask if she wanted to come with us, obviously she agreed.
At Eleanor's I grabbed some toast and we got down to planning, we decided it could be like a teeeeeeeeeeeeeensy road trip! We marked five locations we wanted to hit and sat down at Eleanor's computer to find out where these locations actually were, and promptly shortened our trip to three locations: Hertford, Whipsnade and Tring. I guessed that to use a Satnav on a road trip was cheating, so I stole a road map from Eleanor's and we got moving. I only remembered that my phone had a moderately decent camera when we got to Hertford. The rest of this story will be told with the aid of photography!
Hertford castle, truth be told this castle is actually only three walls and a moat. I think my picture did it some justice.

After visiting the castle I hit the local Subway and got me some lunch, we also found an old style sweet shop where i picked up a packet of jellybeans from the jellybean factory (as I am a jellybean connoisseur). After exploring the town some more (and it was an awesome town), we hit the road again.

We met a ridiculous amount of traffic on the way to Whipsnade Tree Cathedral, but we had fun all the same.
After escaping the traffic we were all a bit bored, until we found Dunstable Downs!

After ice creams all around, we continued our search for the Tree Cathedral. There was only ONE SIGN pretty much opposite the place. I think we were quite lucky to find it, although, it wasn't much...

That last picture is Aaron lying in the "Dew pond". Yeah, place was a bit of a disappointment.
We had to cut Tring from the schedule in the end because it was nearly 7pm when we left the Cathedral. In retrospect, the three walls of Hertford and the trees and hedges of Whipsnade were horrible, but the day out with two of my best friends was fantastic, which is all that matters (:
Okay, I woke up at about 1pm, to my mother informing me of Aaron's arrival (obviously completely unanticipated). So I got up and sorted myself out and came down to witness my mother giving him a mysterious piece of paper, and then me some money. Shortly upon leaving, I discovered that the piece of paper had a list of free attractions in Hertfordshire, at least one decent day out had to be on here. Our first move was to call Eleanor, to ask if she wanted to come with us, obviously she agreed.
At Eleanor's I grabbed some toast and we got down to planning, we decided it could be like a teeeeeeeeeeeeeensy road trip! We marked five locations we wanted to hit and sat down at Eleanor's computer to find out where these locations actually were, and promptly shortened our trip to three locations: Hertford, Whipsnade and Tring. I guessed that to use a Satnav on a road trip was cheating, so I stole a road map from Eleanor's and we got moving. I only remembered that my phone had a moderately decent camera when we got to Hertford. The rest of this story will be told with the aid of photography!

We had to cut Tring from the schedule in the end because it was nearly 7pm when we left the Cathedral. In retrospect, the three walls of Hertford and the trees and hedges of Whipsnade were horrible, but the day out with two of my best friends was fantastic, which is all that matters (:
Sunday, 18 April 2010

The future
Okay, blog's birthday is over, I guess we can only talk about one thing now: THE FUTURE. Obviously we want consistency, but I feel that changes must be considered:
- I'm thinking a change in name, I've been thinking this for a few weeks now, without even checking if it's possible...
- Flashbacks! I have moments where I sit and think about the distant past plenty o' times, should have more of those. This brings me to number 3.
- More me, because I'm awesome. Need a new profile picture and all that jazz.
- New design? I'm still quite attached to the current one, it's grown on me.
- Less bitching! I hate reading bitchy blogs, especially my own.
- More photos? Hell yeah!

Friday, 16 April 2010

Dearest blog,
I feel that we've become very close over the past year. We've told each other all of our secrets and shared many a happy time together, and . . . well, I wouldn't know where I'd be without you.
I know that on occasion I've neglected you, and I've doubted the value of your presence in my life, but now that you're one year old, we can put all of that behind us, right? Good.
I know that on occasion I've neglected you, and I've doubted the value of your presence in my life, but now that you're one year old, we can put all of that behind us, right? Good.
And most importantly, because it's your birthday, I'd like to present you with this special gift (:
I love you blog (:
Thursday, 15 April 2010

POW, take that world!

It's 1am and I feel good!
I killed a virus a few hours ago. Bastard thing, coming on my computer and thinking it's boss. I've worked through a trillion issues this week, and I feel fucking cleansed. The only downside to that being that I've been acting as if I think VERY highly of myself lately. Of course, anyone that knows me knows this is all in lightheartedness, simply because i'm fucking awesome (see what I did there?).
In other news:
And more importantly, it's not going to stop here either!
You see, I used to think "wow, a blog! I could entertain people with one of those!" And for a while I did entertain the few followers I had, back in the day. But it's slowly developed into a diary of sorts, and it's entertaining all the same, or at least it entertains me. What I'm trying to say is that it's good for me, and I will marry it when it comes of age (in blog years, not human years).
I give many thanks to all my followers (especially the ones who comment, I LOVE comments ^.^) and the secret followers (you know who you are!), I love all of you equally muchly, although those who comment have more equal love than those who don't.
Thank you!
I completely forgot
That it's my blog's birthday in TWO DAYS!
In other news, Nat's back from Cyprus tomorrow, so I can stop worrying about her community so much (but I will). God I missed her.
I actually did work yesterday! Not enough, but I did work all the same. Then I played Serious Sam: HD until stupid O'clock in the morning while listening to my playlist of amazingness, you've not shot alien scum unless you've done it while listening to the likes of We are Scientists and Cute is What we Aim For (I admit, it's quite a weak playlist by my standards).
Sometimes I'm just TOO cool.
In other news, Nat's back from Cyprus tomorrow, so I can stop worrying about her community so much (but I will). God I missed her.
I actually did work yesterday! Not enough, but I did work all the same. Then I played Serious Sam: HD until stupid O'clock in the morning while listening to my playlist of amazingness, you've not shot alien scum unless you've done it while listening to the likes of We are Scientists and Cute is What we Aim For (I admit, it's quite a weak playlist by my standards).
Sometimes I'm just TOO cool.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Okay, last week I performed an absolute MASTERCLASS on how not to work. I think it's about time I slammed on a playlist and got down to business.
Yes, I know. I mentioned doing work...I won't include any other surprises in this post.
Yes, I know. I mentioned doing work...I won't include any other surprises in this post.
Monday, 12 April 2010

I found this in one of the remote corners of a newsletter sent to me by one of the few companies I allow into my inbox. More importantly to you, I enjoy sharing, so take a look!
PIXELS - Retro Gamers
Sunday, 11 April 2010

Sweeney Todd
It will always astonish me how everyone in Victorian London had the voice of an angel.
...Time for bed.
Journal of a temporary clan leader, Day 6
Or at least, I think it's day 6...
Things have all been a bit quiet, I still haven't populated server 2 and I've only accepted one new member. I'm trying desperately to communicate with our members but I just can't seem to open lines of communications in the same way Nat does. However, both servers are still up and running perfectly, so I'm keeping up my minimum clan leader requirements at least.
I now see why Nat's haunted by her community sometimes...
Things have all been a bit quiet, I still haven't populated server 2 and I've only accepted one new member. I'm trying desperately to communicate with our members but I just can't seem to open lines of communications in the same way Nat does. However, both servers are still up and running perfectly, so I'm keeping up my minimum clan leader requirements at least.
I now see why Nat's haunted by her community sometimes...
Saturday, 10 April 2010

Truth be told, nothing's been happening in the world of Adam. I've been out once this week, which is about normal for me. It just seems more bland when I'm not in school.
My friends at school expect a lot of me, or so it seems. I think Eleanor has told them far too many good things about me. I like being the guy in the background, and to have four people asking if I'm going to the same thing sounds a little daunting.
I guess I'm just not that great at being social these days.
My friends at school expect a lot of me, or so it seems. I think Eleanor has told them far too many good things about me. I like being the guy in the background, and to have four people asking if I'm going to the same thing sounds a little daunting.
I guess I'm just not that great at being social these days.
Thursday, 8 April 2010

Journal of a temporary clan leader, Day 1
Nat's gone now, she's left me. Holding her baby. All she ever wanted was a gaming community, and now I'm holding it, in my insanely inexperienced hands.
I've not done badly though, I've got my head around the configs and that's just about all there is to it.
The first thing i did when I logged into steam today was to post an announcement, here it is (note to readers, just skim read):
A lot of that wont make any sense to you, all you have to know is that it was harder than I thought it would be and I had to teach myself a lot to get server 2 up and running as what I wanted it to be. But I did, and I'm proud.
Be proud of me.
All in all, not a bad day, I've proved that I can maintain, now to attempt to improve (without touching anything that works well already, I'm terrified of doing that),
I've not done badly though, I've got my head around the configs and that's just about all there is to it.
The first thing i did when I logged into steam today was to post an announcement, here it is (note to readers, just skim read):
In a completely non-hostile take over, I have become the leader of the ÐA for 10 days, you may have already noticed some subtle changes to the group (if you're wondering about my tag and the group picture, simply check out my avatar).
For my first act of leadership, I will open up server 2 as a rotation server, that's CTF, CP and KOTH, with some Goldrush and Hoodoo thrown in for good measure.
My second act is to post our mumble channel's details to our group page, if anyone wants to be early birds, the channel will need some TLC and plenty of new subchannels and the like.
Away from all the leadery things, it's the server's birthday on Friday, so we must think of happy happy fun things to do to celebrate!
Get to work maggots!
Your kind leader,
Chief of Police Randomentalist
Be proud of me.
All in all, not a bad day, I've proved that I can maintain, now to attempt to improve (without touching anything that works well already, I'm terrified of doing that),
Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Pow, pow, One hundred and fifty!
To be honest, I only stayed up to post this (seriously, my timing is awesome), and I'm only posting this to make it to 150 posts, it just gets easier...
Uhhh, news, news...Nat's off on holiday tomorrow, leaving me in charge of her gaming community.
Be afraid.
Uhhh, news, news...Nat's off on holiday tomorrow, leaving me in charge of her gaming community.
Be afraid.
Monday, 5 April 2010

Blog day!
Apparently, everyone's blogging today, so I will too.
I honestly didn't know it was Easter Sunday tomorrow. Is that bad?
Also, I finally found my huge maths paper pad, and left it in the center of my recently cleared desk so I could get to work on revising for all five maths exams this Summer. And the cat was sick on it not 24 hours later...
This post could've been more interesting...hang on, I'll find a video for you.
Okay, don't think I've put this one on my blog before. This is just another example of why Edgar Wright is amazing.
DISCLAIMERY THINGS: Contains gore and usual horror clichés, may not be suitable for blah blah. Is not a real movie.
I honestly didn't know it was Easter Sunday tomorrow. Is that bad?
Also, I finally found my huge maths paper pad, and left it in the center of my recently cleared desk so I could get to work on revising for all five maths exams this Summer. And the cat was sick on it not 24 hours later...
This post could've been more interesting...hang on, I'll find a video for you.
Okay, don't think I've put this one on my blog before. This is just another example of why Edgar Wright is amazing.
DISCLAIMERY THINGS: Contains gore and usual horror clichés, may not be suitable for blah blah. Is not a real movie.
Saturday, 3 April 2010

I had my last Biology practical exam today. While we were waiting outside our teacher's office (she's deputy head so she gets her own box) she came past and said this:
"Words. Words are good. Words are very good. Today is a words day, not a stars day."
And that is why she's the best teacher ever.
"Words. Words are good. Words are very good. Today is a words day, not a stars day."
And that is why she's the best teacher ever.
Thursday, 1 April 2010

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