Now, I was asked an interesting question about Scott Pilgrim the night I wrote my last post. I was asked if I'd be unhappy if the film made Scott Pilgrim popular. I'm not going to mock this question, because it's actually very good. My answer is that it would bother me a little yes, but I have massively promoted it to everyone I know, and if it got popular and I was unhappy, that would mean I'd effectively made myself unhappy. I love Scott Pilgrim books, because Scott reminds me of me, time and time again. I have no reason to hold it back, I want Bryan Lee O'Malley to succeed.
I mean, this doesn't apply to all of my favourite things. Take Tat for example, I have a MASSIVE crush on Tatiana, if everyone else did, I wouldn't really know what to do with myself.
I repeat, a MASSIVE crush.

In other news, I have been listening to Nat and her friend Owen natter on (no pun intended) about a web comic called Gunnerkrigg Court for...well, it's been on and off since I've known them. Two nights ago I was talking to Owen about it, and after doing so I finally decided to check it out. Earlier, I bought the first book. 'Nuff said.

is that Envy Adams in the backgroun of the book cover picture?
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