Then Manliness Week began! A week dedicated to outright sexism, huge competitiveness over the tiniest thing, power tools, and various other manly things. I kicked off my event with sexist rap and searching manly things on google, such as industrial machinery. Then sides were taken, as sexist jokes were researched on the internet. Here are some of the better examples we discovered:
"Why do women wear white on their wedding day?
To match the kitchen appliances."
"Why do women have smaller feet than men?
So they can stand closer to the sink."
"How do you fix a woman's watch?
You don't need to, there's a clock on the oven."
The loyal followers of the event flocked from all around while women shot scornful looks from afar. Also, I wasn't surprised to find a group of men against my idea, probably because I'm undermining their masculinity...
All in all, my event is proving to be a success, day 2 tomorrow!
But if you can't wait, here's something to keep you going:

Come to screwfix and get all your manly needs! ;)
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