I must admit, the new year was much more interesting than usual, not because it was a new decade or anything, but because I found myself standing with strangers, staring up at the London Eye.
But first, let's rewind, my Christmas was pretty cool, and moderately white too!

I got socks, which was cool, among games and books and other
mindbogglingly mind boggling puzzles and stuff. After the traditional wrapping paper tearing events, we proceeded to have Christmas dinner, always prestigious, but this one was a little more special. Apparently, the mysteries of butchery provide the law that if you put a bird inside a bird, the two meats somehow connect?! This dinner did that AND more, because the two combined birds had also been wrapped in ANOTHER MEAT! I've never been more in awe of my dinner (apart from maybe the cream of chicken and mushroom soup I had today, that was quite something). Later on we went to visit my grandma in hospital (she's out now) for more presents and fun family celebrations. All in all it was a good Christmas.
Which brings me back to new year. To be honest, I knew there was something going down, I just didn't know it was London. This threw me a bit, seeing as the last time I was in the capital my phone was stolen at Charing Cross (those bastards). Eventually, I warmed up to the idea (roughly 18 hours before we had to leave) and by 6.30pm I was on the bus to Aaron's house. It was there I met with Aaron (obviously), Eleanor, Callum and a girl named Charlie, who gradually reminded me more and more of a girl I used to know called Louise as the evening progressed. Then Daisy turned up and we headed out. Now, I'm not exactly rolling in cash, I'd done some research as to which of Watford's stations would be cheapest (I already had an idea) and so I knew roughly where to go. I led the 6 of us along a route that was still a little fuzzy in my head, which miraculously got us there! We then took as many underground lines as possible to get to the Embankment. Which looked like this:

Crowd included, we got out of the station and just couldn't move. Inevitably we got split up and met again towards the back of the park area, where we decided to head further outwards, for food. We never found it. We stopped and waited in an area in front of a large building (which i can't name) for a good hour and a half for the fireworks. I videod it, and I'll edit the video in whenever I can get it uploaded. The fireworks were good, especially at the end, I was pretty mesmerised for the majority of them.

Then the first snowflake fell, it was pretty magical, I mean, you would expect that in some romantic film or something :P Anyway, we started heading back, from Embankment to Victoria station, which for the record, is quite far. We got to the station at about 1am, where we stopped for food, then QUEUED for the right to enter the underground station. We were on a train by about 1:45am, I think. For some reason the carriage we were on was empty, so we actually got to sit down before everyone piled on. Either way, we were back in Watford by about 2:30. That was the moment we realised that we didn't really have any way to get home unless we all walked alone, which we didn't really want to do. Daisy's house was on the way back to Aaron's, so she got to go home that night. The rest of us stayed at Aaron's. He went upstairs to sleep at about 4am, I don't blame him, it wasn't planned that he'd have guests. I don't think any of us got too much sleep, but we got rest, which is what counts.
At 9am I was woken and Eleanor, Callum and myself left at around 10am, they planned to make a pilgrimage to asda before going home, I left them at the nearest bus stop. I suppose I waited about 45 minutes for the bus, finally arriving home at about 11am. Good times.
Thanks to everyone there, as always (:
And now for the year ahead, I'll try to get in some reviews and expectations and stuff before the end of the dreaded January month ^.^