Oh, hey there blog, didn't expect to see you there...Uhhh, how're you? Good, yeah I'm good thanks too. How's life? Good to hear it, no, things are good for me too...My new gir- you mean twitter? No, it's not like that, it's just fun you know?
Oh come on, you know why we had to split. I just found it hard to communicate with you like i used to, we weren't new and popular anymore, it was just you and I and I just couldn't talk to you like I used to be able to. I don't have that problem with twitter because I don't feel forced to write multiple paragraphs with each post, it's just short and sweet, like mini blogging!
I think we should still be friends though. Look, I even wrote something for you, check it out:
I went to Edgware to see a friend the other day and while on the bus I realised how quickly my life was expanding. No seriously, hear me out here.
I'll skip being born and everything and go straight to when I was 8 and moved to Abbots Langley, since this is where I am now and is considered to be central to this expansion of life or whatever we're calling it. First up is primary education, in Leavesden. That's pretty much where it stayed, I don't remember visiting anyone in town or anything, it was all based at other people's houses.
Then I went to secondary school, I won't mention the name or anything bad about it since my blog is already banned there for 'hate speech'. So the initial shift was from Leavesden to Garston, nothing entirely new since my grandparents lived there, but my social activity quickly expanded out to areas such as Meriden and Rushden, I still wasn't really travelling into central watford or out of watford altogether until my GCSE years. I started going into the town centres of both Hemel and Watford. See how the areas are slowly increasing in size in this suddenly extremely boring post? It's crazy.
Anyway, then I went to Harrow. Now, most people there seem to live in either Edgware or Wembley, meaning I have to travel to Edgware or Harrow to meet any of them (which by the way is not a problem with me). But where's next? Will the areas increase to the size of cities, countries, continents? It seems pretty exciting from where I'm standing.
Sorry blog, I tried my best.
Whoa, what happened there then?!
See that big gap in the archive down the side? What happened there then?!
Basically, things are all good. Repetitive, yes. Boring to others, most probably, but I'm content with it all, so that's what matters, right?
In the past couple of months I have certainly had my fair share of adventures, Pantomimes, visiting a friend's family and sometimes just driting around london! Not exactly skiing down the side of a volcano but it's still adventure. I have pics, therefore they happened. More of those later. However, we all know that my life at present is all about education, and when you're in college 20 hours a week, if you aren't happy with education, you're not really happy with life. That was me last year, but now I'm genuinely enjoying it all. Don't worry, I wont force the joys of calculus upon you, just the fact that I like it.
So yeah, life's alright. I'm probably going to talk about more serious less-adam related things at some point, or films, as long as things on here aren't "hey, look at my life!"
You know, stuff like that.
Basically, things are all good. Repetitive, yes. Boring to others, most probably, but I'm content with it all, so that's what matters, right?
In the past couple of months I have certainly had my fair share of adventures, Pantomimes, visiting a friend's family and sometimes just driting around london! Not exactly skiing down the side of a volcano but it's still adventure. I have pics, therefore they happened. More of those later. However, we all know that my life at present is all about education, and when you're in college 20 hours a week, if you aren't happy with education, you're not really happy with life. That was me last year, but now I'm genuinely enjoying it all. Don't worry, I wont force the joys of calculus upon you, just the fact that I like it.
So yeah, life's alright. I'm probably going to talk about more serious less-adam related things at some point, or films, as long as things on here aren't "hey, look at my life!"
You know, stuff like that.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Some people would be interested to know that my blog is SO VERY FUCKING NEARLY TWO YEARS OLD!
Sadly you aren't those people, damn I wish I was more popular on the interwebs!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Yesterday was Thursday (Thursday). Today it is Friday.
Today was kinda cool, so I'll tell you about it. Just kidding, you should probably just skip through to the bit with pictures.
Basically, a girl I met recently when attending Ultra Culture's last event (WHICH WAS AWESOME) had a spare ticket for Milton Jones' stand-up show (no, I didn't know who he was at the time either). I was interested, having never been to a stand-up show before, so got in there quick like and nabbed the spot.
It turned out that the tickets for said stand-up gig were in THE SECOND ROW.
Really unclear picture of how close I was to the stage!
Equally unclear picture of the venue.
Basically, a girl I met recently when attending Ultra Culture's last event (WHICH WAS AWESOME) had a spare ticket for Milton Jones' stand-up show (no, I didn't know who he was at the time either). I was interested, having never been to a stand-up show before, so got in there quick like and nabbed the spot.
It turned out that the tickets for said stand-up gig were in THE SECOND ROW.

Basically, I just wanted to gloat about how close I was to the stage...
Also, I saw Nicole prior to this, which was really cool. We bitched about the education system and I learned that cappuccino cups are the most awkward things to hold (or really easy to hold if you want to destroy your hands). I thought she deserved a mention because of this, 'cause she's cool.
Second also, Milton Jones and his support act who's name I forget (Googled: James Acaster) were extremely good, I recommend them to any and all who will inevitably ask regardless of what I say here, so what's the point in telling you here? Honestly...
But seriously, SECOND ROW!
P.S. Afterwards I bumped into Karolina at Euston station which was REALLY CREEPY.
P.P.S. I understand that my blogging style has become awful. I apologise.
Also, I saw Nicole prior to this, which was really cool. We bitched about the education system and I learned that cappuccino cups are the most awkward things to hold (or really easy to hold if you want to destroy your hands). I thought she deserved a mention because of this, 'cause she's cool.
Second also, Milton Jones and his support act who's name I forget (Googled: James Acaster) were extremely good, I recommend them to any and all who will inevitably ask regardless of what I say here, so what's the point in telling you here? Honestly...
But seriously, SECOND ROW!
P.S. Afterwards I bumped into Karolina at Euston station which was REALLY CREEPY.
P.P.S. I understand that my blogging style has become awful. I apologise.
Saturday, 2 April 2011

Twi-live part three!
WARNING: This picture is likely to be more exciting than the entirety of the film I'm watching

21:25 Okay, blueberry ice cream, check. Laptop, check. Ready to go!
21:27 SCREAMING, SQUIRMING, oh...title screen.
21:28 She just said she had an english friend! Fuck you Edward, you ruined an anecdote which probably wouldn't have affected the plot at all but would have enchanced character depth. My ice cream is completely frozen, this is depressing.
This picture breaks all Twilight canon because they are smiling.

21:30 but Bella, you can get married and be home for 4pm!
21:34 You know, all Edward has done is prevent the development of the plot, he's a terrible character.
21:37 mother broke the continuation of my timings, so i'm going by GMT now...
21:39 Now the dad guy has gotten all angsty and awkward, now that makes just about everyone in the film.
21:40 Intense is not the word i would use to describe the atmosphere of this film...
21:41 OH WOW, YOU GAVE YOUR DAUGHTER A BOX! Oh, it's a quilt, well that showed me...
21:45 My mum just referred to Jacob as "eye-candy", oh yeah, some plot developing facts were revealed.
21:47 They're like frat boys, but wolves. Is that what this story is, frat boys versus rich kids?!
21:55 "this isn't about war, this is about my safety" how fucking selfish do you need to be?!
21:57 Oh god, not more fucking back story. Where did Alice go?
21:58 blah blah spirits blah blah warriors blah blah tribe blah blah fighing. What a waste of time.
22:03 an army of bad vampires, to go alongside the army of werewolves, and the army of leadery vampires, Stephanie meyer needs to sort it out.
22:07 "I'm in love with you Bella, blah blah" I swear, who said Alice was in this film a lot?
22:08 there's a lesson in life, don't punch werewolves.
22:16 Anna, I don't know how to put this, I don't think I love you anymore...it's not you, it's Alice!
22:17 Unidentifiable pop song, followed by Unidentifiable Muse track. Followed by Jacob.
See, with that bow, it's like she's all wrapped up for me...

22:20 Wolves and Vampires team up against bad vampires, this is getting stupidly predictable.
22:22 How come Edward speaks wolf? It's so obvious that training will just result in a standoff between Edward and Jacob.
22:25 but it didn't, how useless. Oh look, moreeeee back story!
Useless picture from some blog to accompany equally useless back story.

22:28 How come vampires speed up whenever they do something bad?
22:34 Losing...interest...in...film...Alice...not around...enough. Oh there she is!
22:37 NO! HAVE "THE TALK"! PLEASE! I NEED TO KNOW THIS! Why does this film avoid EVERYTHING?!
22:39 Just TRY to fuck her, no one else wants to...
22:41 No, I didn't think so.
22:44 A marriage! I love weddings!
22:49 going camping with your boyfriend and the guy who loves you, sounds like a good rom com.
22:51 not a very funny rom com...
22:53 the two guys are having a rational conversation! Edward sounds sounds ridiculously british when his voice is lowered. Like some crumpet with that humble pie?
22:54 THIS JUST IN! THERE ARE NO WORDS! source: edward cullen.
22:56 since when did Bella sound so manly? A manly slut.
22:59 cheating IN FRONT of your fiancé? Awkward...
23:06 Climax fight...yawn. some people fought some people.
Quick, everyone! Stereotypcial vampire poses!

23:08 Oh it's the italians. Jacob's hurt but Doctor vampire's on the case.
23:10 Twilight, the touching story of how a bratty girl managed to bring frat boys and rich kids together, then took her boyfriend on a camping trip with the boy she knew loved her.
23:14 There's a 50/50 chance he wants you back, but there's only a 10% chance of that.
23:17 hahaha, how foolish edward, it was never "all about you", it's all about Bella. Always.
23:18 okay, it's over...that was much harder than sitting through the last one...
23:19 voices are raised in argument with mother.
23:20 Okay, fucking conclusions, let's go:
- That was the worst of them all, because it was well made but horribly written, at least the first one was horribly made and gave me something to laugh at. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it through the next film.
- Now I have to wade through google images until i find some pictures suitable to post on this thing.
- People told me there would be more Alice in the film, they lied.
- I'm not very good at making conclusions.
Whatever, the point is this stuff isn't good for my health. Maybe I should do a music thing instead.
Have your stupid twi-live blog.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Rated arrrr ( a snippet from your average conversation on msn)
(on the subject of my imaginary pirate girlfriend)
Adam Batchelor says
should've said "aye (she's only got one)"
Eleanor says
only arrrrsking
Adam Batchelor says
she stole my hearties?
okay let's stop this before it gets out of hand (hook?)
Eleanor says
you're just trying to get a wooden leg over
Adam Batchelor says
whatever, you know you're not an eye-patch on me
Eleanor says
oh, stop parroting on
Adam Batchelor says
only if you stop whale-ing
Eleanor says
i'll make you walk the plank for that one
Adam Batchelor says
i'm not sure if my last pun was really cannon
Eleanor says
carry on, and i'll give you a kick up the porthole
Adam Batchelor says
i think it's time for you to jump ship
Eleanor says
and cut my losses or cutlasses?
Adam Batchelor says
yeah, just cut and rum
Eleanor says
keep on and i'll poopdeck you
Adam Batchelor says
i'll com-pass thanks
Eleanor says
you're in deep water now
Adam Batchelor says
maybe it's time you broadened your telescope
Eleanor says
i can't, i left it in Davy Jones' locker
Adam Batchelor says
you clearly haven't mast-ered the art of puns
Eleanor says
hang on, just need to charge my IPatch....
Adam Batchelor says
that one was worse than scurvy
Eleanor says
well your standards must be higher than the crows nest then
is that the avast one?
Adam Batchelor says
maybe it's time you took your bowsprit
Eleanor says
well, it was a piece of skate
Adam Batchelor says
or am i just being stern?
Eleanor says
now, don't be prow
oh, one of the scurvy seadogs wants to board this computer
Adam Batchelor says
ah, a mutiny
Eleanor says
Adam Batchelor says
well i musket back to you some time
Eleanor says
(you arrrrr going to copy and baste this to ye blog, right?)
Adam Batchelor says
that will be where it will take anchor
Eleanor says
Adam Batchelor says
so i guess you'll be going leeward
Eleanor says
overboard, methinks
sea you later
(I think I stole the show with the "musket" one)
Monday, 7 March 2011

P bloody S.
I'd also like to add to my previous post that I had a draft post lined up from a month or so ago that said "there is a time for blogging and a time for sorting your life out". I'm now predicted an A in further maths, getting 81% and 84% in my S1 and C2 mocks respectively. I'm still working on the sciences but hey, I guess I'm halfway there.
There you have it, I actually made some progress with my education, be proud of me.
Saturday, 5 March 2011

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