Marginally ill.
The best/worst thing about being ill (even if it's only very slightly ill) is that you have the CRAZIEST dreams. So far, I've dreamed about zombie spiders taking over a rural/suburban landscape in complete b-movie fashion and a holiday island resort with a dark and horrible secret, probably revolving around the perfectionist owner. I should probably write this stuff down...oh yeah! I have. Thanks blog!
Tuesday, 29 June 2010

A long post today, I've got lots of things to talk about and since a long blog post has been requested, I thought I'd slam it all into one post. So, if you don't like something, scroll down to the next paragraph and carry on.
Today is the Abbots Carnival, and if I'm honest, the novelty is lost on me. Nothing there directly appeals to me anymore, it's all just a bit blegh. Maybe next yeah.

Scott Pilgrim Gameplay Trailer
Today is the Abbots Carnival, and if I'm honest, the novelty is lost on me. Nothing there directly appeals to me anymore, it's all just a bit blegh. Maybe next yeah.

I was proud of this, a cube of blutac! Proving that I have far too much time on my hands. At the time I also had far too much hair on my chin, but thankfully, that changed this morning. I've been scouring the web for indie games lately, to occupy myself, and I'm currently working my way down the list of games I discovered, nothing much special, I might just return to spelunky soon.

On the subject of gaming, I've been reviewing my gaming past, as it were. And I think I'm probably much more of a casual gamer compared to a year ago, where I was still trying to finish that one song on guitar hero on expert. Now I just log on and shoot people when I can be bothered. However, as happens every summer, there are still a few games coming that excite me. The first of these is Super Meat Boy, just because it reminds me of those rock hard platforming games I used to play as a kid. The ones that make you cry and then laugh in your face. And don't give you double jumps and give you sympathetic hints. I like that.
Super Meat Boy Gameplay
The second game isn't actually due until September, but I'm excited all the same. It's Dead Rising 2, a game with lots and lots (and lots) of zombies. But the novelty of killing zombies with virtually everything you find wears off eventually, I loved the first game for the boss fights, mostly psychopaths turned crazy by the fact their local shopping centre had been infested by zombies! It really did create some insane scenarios.

My third and final game is by far the most predictable of the three, it's the video game of Scott Pilgrim! You see, the only reason I decided to write about Summer games today was because last night, a gamplay trailer of Scott Pilgrim was released, yayyy! I really like the retro style of the game, and, well, you'll see.
Scott Pilgrim Gameplay Trailer
In other news, the world cup started yesterday, and I am of course very excited. Long term readers of this blog and my closer friends know that I am a massive sports fan. I didn't mention it here but I caught the end of the French Open (tennis) last week to get me in a sports viewing mood. England's first match is in a few hours time, and I'm so very hyped. I'll probably report my opinion of everything at some point on here. However, the recent increase of sports events this summer has presented a dilema, because although the world cup only happens once every four years, Wimbledon is my absolute favourite event to watch, and it starts at the end of June! Many a tough decision will follow.
What else is moderately significant in my life right! Who's life DOESN'T music make an impact on nowadays. As a matter of fact, I've just finished the first draft of my summer playlist, it's due to change whenever I feel like it, the key Artists Taking Back Sunday, Mint Royale and Scouting for Girls (seriously), but expect Tat to make a serious impact soon. Hopefully very soon. I'll post a full list another time. Speaking of Tat, I didn't post last week's acoustic track, I'll do it now.
What else is moderately significant in my life right! Who's life DOESN'T music make an impact on nowadays. As a matter of fact, I've just finished the first draft of my summer playlist, it's due to change whenever I feel like it, the key Artists Taking Back Sunday, Mint Royale and Scouting for Girls (seriously), but expect Tat to make a serious impact soon. Hopefully very soon. I'll post a full list another time. Speaking of Tat, I didn't post last week's acoustic track, I'll do it now.
Tat - Pessimist
They were supposed to upload their last video yesterday, but no sign of it as of yet. And then they're due to release their second album! Yayyy! You have no idea how hyped I am about this summer.
Saturday, 12 June 2010

Scott pilgrim vs the world clip
Two posts in one day? Holy Moly!
This clip was aired on the MTV movie awards last night, and I had to share it with you/put on here so I can find it in the future, whichever you prefer.
This clip was aired on the MTV movie awards last night, and I had to share it with you/put on here so I can find it in the future, whichever you prefer.
Okay, reactions, it's definately a new scene added to the second book, I assume that the clip begins after these pages (shown in the teaser trailer):
Monday, 7 June 2010

I walked home from school today for the first time in a very long time. This is significant to me. It means I've stopped being ridiculously lazy. I feel inspired. This is because I've been reading webcomics all day.

The first website I stumbled across was Awkwardzombie (an example strip is shown above), these are mainly strips about video game things, so if that's your thing, knock yourself out. From here, I webbed outwards to about four different comics, but only one of them REALLY captured my imagination. This webcomic is known as Kinokofry, not only are the comics cute and funny, but I really enjoy the style and the colours.
So yeah, I've favourited a tonne of other webcomics I found during today's adventures which I'll work my way through another time, I MIGHT update you on that. Of course, veteran blog readers/people that know me very well know that I mentioned Gunnerkrigg Court a while back, which I know follow religiously, and check every Monday, Wednesday and Friday without fail.

The amazing thing is, all of these things have inspired me to do things over the Summer! I have drafted a list below:
The Arrangement should have won, and here is all the proof I need:

The first website I stumbled across was Awkwardzombie (an example strip is shown above), these are mainly strips about video game things, so if that's your thing, knock yourself out. From here, I webbed outwards to about four different comics, but only one of them REALLY captured my imagination. This webcomic is known as Kinokofry, not only are the comics cute and funny, but I really enjoy the style and the colours.
So yeah, I've favourited a tonne of other webcomics I found during today's adventures which I'll work my way through another time, I MIGHT update you on that. Of course, veteran blog readers/people that know me very well know that I mentioned Gunnerkrigg Court a while back, which I know follow religiously, and check every Monday, Wednesday and Friday without fail.

The amazing thing is, all of these things have inspired me to do things over the Summer! I have drafted a list below:
- Get back into actually drawing things (jellypigs are a good start for this).
- Write more, yayyyy!
- Start learning another language, because I want to be able to call myself bilingual.
- Play spelunky again.
- Make videos from my games, because I'm a geek and I know it.
- Wear jeans every day this summer, and perspire!
The Arrangement should have won, and here is all the proof I need:
This isn't the end
I'm a little low on blog fuel at the moment, busy with exams, give me a week or so and you'll get some stuffs from me (:
Saturday, 5 June 2010

This was almost a meaningful post about my year so far...
But instead I came on to discover a SECOND SCOTT PILGRIM TRAILER! Fuck yes.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010

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