
This is what I'm like right now. This is what my weekend has done to me. The exams had better fucking watch out.


It just clicked that one of the two people who wrote my numerical methods textbook is the guy who did my online lessons about it. Suddenly I don't feel too bad about numerical methods.

If that didn't interest you at all, here's a video I found the other day:

Alright, now watch this!

I have 5 exams next week .2 on monday, 1 on tuesday and 2 on thursday. I've barely picked up the books for any of monday/thursday's exams, so let's sketch up a revision timetable:

Core mathmatics 1 and Numerical methods:
Friday - Sunday

Statistics 1 and Further pure maths:
Monday - Wednesday

Biology Module 1:
Friday - Monday

...My luck's gotta run out sometime, let's just hope that time isn't now.

Less than three Tat

Tat uploaded a new video to youtube earlier, and since I love love love them I'm uploading it here :)

Tat - Road to paradise (Acoustic)

Friday (Slasher heros and arts and crafts)

Short post today, just sharing what went down today, with some photos to add. We've not had photos for a while.

Okay, so, in maths today for some obscure reason I ended up attempting to turn my hoodie into a cape of some kind, which worked. I felt pretty heroic, so made a mask from a sheet of paper, here's the result.

Yeah, didn't quite work out. In fact, I wouldn't look too out of place in The Strangers. Also, I think a thumbs up wouldn't go amiss in that picture.

Not satisfied with my work, I then took to making the best I could from just one glove.

Not bad considering I never got a textiles grade.


I like original digestive biscuits. They keep my appetite at bay, because they're so fucking hard to eat in bulk. I think I should buy some more, regardless of the fact that I'm only something like 4 biscuits down the first packet in one day. Well done digestives, you win this round...

Stuff and/or things

Today's post is more of an update of the social and geeky aspects of my life than anything I guess. I've been away from the online world for most of the week, well, I've been around for bits and pieces but not long enough to write a blog. I'll just give you a (very quick) runthrough of things up to now before I get onto the rest of my update:

Cake making
Mayday Picnic
Tension rise at school
Aaron's birthday and election
more politics talk

More about various points covered there another time, when I've gathered more photos.

Umm, until then, there've been various bits and pieces of cool internet things I've discovered/been sent over the past week which I'm going to share with you, whether you like it or not.

I've been playing a stock market simulation game lately with a few guys I know, where you have to run businesses and invest stuffs. Don't judge us, we wanted to learn!

I was also linked this, it's a site with installers for pretty much all the useful things you can get on the net for free. There are different internet browsers and different antiviruses and the like, so if you like to experiment, check it out.

As always, I've been linked to a tonne of videos this week, and because I care, I've chosen to share one with you. This is possibly the coolest Ozzy comedian in existance. Enjoy!

Tim Minchin - Peace Anthem for Palestine

Super O'Clock!

I got up at 8:10 this morning,with help. I'll explain my weekend to you all later, but as a quick teaser, allow me to interview myself.

So, what is Super O'Clock?

I'd say about ten past eight in the morning on weekends; it's a time used to describe a time a certain person shouldn't be up, but is. I'm up now, it's a super feat.

Okay, so why is today so important?

Because today, I am hosting my third Mayday Picnic.

...Are you aware of the weather?

Yes, it's raining.

Does that mean it's all over?

Far from it, according to Karolina, forecasts say that we're rain free from noon onwards.

So what's the plan?

...I'm working on it.

Adam's music corner

Today I have two music videos to share with you. They're from different ends of the music spectrum. If you enjoy them both, you pass the variety test.

The first video I'm going to show you today, I only found earlier. Not one you'd normally expect from me, depending on how well you know me, but I think it has a catchy beat (and the video's pretty awesome).

Kidz in the hall - Jukebox

My second video is far more predictable. In fact, It's an accoustic version of a video I posted a few weeks/months ago ^.^

Tat - I don't want to (love you) Acoustic version

Such a good voiceee.